13-08-28 digital voice recorder 录音笔 MP3 player MP3播放器 digital camcorders 数码摄像机 digital accessories 数码配件 E-dictionary 电子辞典 office paper 办公用纸 toner cartridge 硒鼓 jet cartridge 墨粉 ink cartridge 墨盒 ribbon 色带 floppy disk 软盘 printin...
13-05-08 一、英语重结构,汉语重语义 我国著名语言学家王力先生曾经说过:就句子的结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的。(《中国语法理论》,《王力文集》第一卷,第35页,山东教育出版社,1984年) 我们看一看下面的例子: Children will play with dolls equipped w...
12-12-18 Digital technology has been part of everyday life for many years now, so logically there's a whole generation of individuals for whom concepts such as the Internet and wireless technology are just humdrum, because they've never lived in a world wher...
12-07-09 This is the world of i-Dosing , the new craze sweeping the Internet in which teenagers used so-called digital drugs (music) to change their brains in the same way as real-life narcotics. 数码毒品(i-Dosing)是席卷互联网的一个新潮流。青少年网民用所谓...
10-10-06 Chemists at Vanderbilt University have created a new class of liquid crystals with unique electrical properties that could improve the performance of digital displays used on everything from digital watches to flat panel televisions. The achievement...
10-03-22 Super-fast broadband will be available to every home in the UK by 2020, the prime minister is to promise later. 英国首相将宣布,在2020年之前每个家庭都可以享受到超快宽带服务。 All main political parties say broadband access is important for the UK In...
09-10-28 Digital television is based on the idea of recording information in a digital, rather than an analogue format(模拟形式). The idea is to reduce the information to a series of electronic signals, which can be written in a code of 0's and 1's. This b...
09-10-05 网络出现以后,都市里开始流行SOHO,只要有一根网线,很多工作就可以在家里完成,不用再挤车上班,熬点下班。随着网络技术的日新月异,SOHO已经不算什么了。现在流行的是digital nomad,只要在无线网络覆盖范围内,人家想在哪儿办公就在哪儿办公,连家都不用待了。 Dig...
09-08-16 加州北部的电子书供应商CourseSmart本周二发布了一个免费的软件,能够将电子版大学课本提供到广泛应用的iPhone和iPod设备上。加拿大和美国的大学生今后就可以把书包甩开,手拿iPhone和iPod随时随地学习了。 请看新华社的报道: US company to offer digital textbooks...
09-08-07 Treasury minister Stephen Timms is to take charge of delivering the plan for the future of the UK digital industry. 财政部部长Stephen Timms担负起执行未来英国数字化工业的计划。 Stephen Timms, left, once held the role of e-commerce minister Mr Timms,...