• national green development fund 国家绿色发展基金

    20-02-12 生态环境部表示,国家绿色发展基金2020年将正式启动运营。设立国家绿色发展基金,是健全生态环境保护经济政策体系的一项内容。 China will officially launch its national green development fund in 2020, amid efforts to improve the economic policy system for e...

  • high-quality intellectual property development 知识产权高质

    20-02-12 全国知识产权局局长会议1月6日在北京举行,会议指出,2019年,知识产权高质量发展取得新成效,知识产权塑造良好营商环境和创新环境取得新进展。 China has made a series of achievements over the past year to create a friendly environment for business, innovati...

  • 习近平提出促进绿色发展的五项倡议

    19-04-29 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday proposed a five-point initiative on promoting green development at the opening ceremony of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing. 中国国家主席习近平周日在2019北京世界园艺博览会开幕式上提出促进...

  • 中国愿推动竹藤业的可持续发展

    18-06-26 China is willing to work with all countries to facilitate the sustainable development of the global bamboo and rattan industry, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has said. 中国总理李克强表示,中国愿与世界各国合作促进全球竹子和藤条产业的可持续发展。 This wi...

  • 习近平要求加快打造“数字中国”

    18-04-22 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday called for development of new driving forces through informatization, to promote new development and therefore make new achievements. 中国国家主席习近平周日号召推动信息化发展,以促进新发展取得新成就。 Xi, also...

  • regional e-commerce development index 区域电商发展指数

    16-05-25 China has introduced its first regional e-commerce development index named after the famed small commodity production center of Yiwu in Zhejiang Province. 中国发布了首个区域电商发展指数,该指数以位于浙江省的小商品批发市场义乌命名。 全球首个区域电商...

  • peaceful development 和平发展

    13-08-21 China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace. 中国将始终不渝走和平发展道路,坚定奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。 China calls for promoting equality, mutual trust, inclusiveness,...

  • Scientific Outlook on Development 科学发展观

    13-06-06 Scientific Outlook on Development The Scientific Outlook on Development means putting people first and aiming at comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. To put people first, we should take people's interests as the starting point and...

  • 2013两会精彩语录英译4

    13-03-10 ZHONG NANSHAN, NPC deputy and academic with the Chinese Academy of Engineering I am a doctor and I prefer to speak frankly. A person's health is related first to eating, drinking and air. Any kind of development will be nothing if the quality of foo...

  • post-crisis development model 后危机时代发展模式

    12-08-29 Jiang Yi, an expert on Russian studies with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that regional countries are seeking a post-crisis development model . 中国社会科学院俄罗斯研究所专家姜毅指出,区域各国正在寻求一个后危机时代的发展模式。 文中的p...