• 住在主干道旁可能增加患痴呆的风险

    17-01-15 Living near a main road increases the risk of dementia, the first major research into air pollution and disease has shown. 首项研究空气污染与疾病关系的重要调查发现,住在主干道旁边有可能增加患痴呆的风险。 A decade-long study of 6.6 million people, pu...

  • 娶个聪明的老婆可使男人长寿

    16-04-18 If a man wants to live a long life he should marry an intelligent woman, according to scientists. 科学家称,男人要想长寿,就得娶个聪明的老婆。 Dementia experts said that having an intelligent partner can act as buffer to the disease. By studying the...

  • digital dementia 数码痴呆症

    14-05-08 Digital dementia refers to impaired memory and cognitive functioning due to the extended use of digital devices. Digital dementia指由于长期使用数码产品导致的记忆和认知功能障碍,即数码痴呆症。 Digital dementia is when people rely on digital devices l...

  • 2050年痴呆患者将是现在三倍

    13-12-05 The number of people living with dementia worldwide is set to treble by 2050, according to a new analysis. 一项新的分析表明,2050年世界上患痴呆的人数将是现在的三倍。 Alzheimer's Disease International says 44 million people live with the disease, but...

  • 说一门外语能延缓降低的发病率

    13-11-07 In the largest study on the topic to date, research shows that speaking a second language may delay the onset of three types of dementias(痴呆) . The research is published in the November 6, 2013, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of...

  • 高血糖的人患痴呆风险较高

    13-08-08 A joint Group Health-University of Washington (UW) study in the New England Journal of Medicine has found that higher blood sugar levels are associated with higher dementia risk, even among people who do not have diabetes. Blood sugar levels average...

  • 饮食中的抗氧化剂不能减少中风几率

    13-02-21 Contrary to other research, a new study found that the total level of antioxidants in people's diets is not related to their risk of developing stroke or dementia. The study is published in the February 20, 2013, online issue of Neurology, the medic...

  • 痴呆是女性的第二大死因

    12-11-08 Dementia is the second highest cause of death among women, figures show. 数据显示,痴呆是女性的第二大死因。 The data from the Office for National Statistics revealed the condition was listed as an underlying cause in one in 10 of the 250,000 deaths...

  • 讲故事疗法可有效缓解老年痴呆症

    11-02-26 Nearly 16 million Americans will be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia(痴呆) by 2050, according to the Alzheimer's Association. Symptoms(症状) include mood and behavior changes, disorientation(迷失方向) , memory los...

  • 甜菜汁对老年人脑健康有利

    10-11-03 Severely injured patients should be transported directly from the scene of an accident to a trauma center(外伤中心) , even if it means bypassing(绕道走) a closer hospital, according to new research that shows this results in a nearly 25 per cent...