• 日本婚恋公司推出“口罩相亲”活动

    16-11-02 Looks arent everything. At least, thats what one Japanese dating service is trying to prove - by requiring participants in speed dating sessions to wear white surgical masks. 颜值非一切。至少,一家日本婚恋服务公司正力图通过要求参与速配活动的人带上白...

  • 新式交友:根据身体气味寻找意中人

    16-02-22 Most believe looks and personality play major roles when searching for a potential match, but a new dating app claims the key to finding your soul-mate is by their smell. 大多数人认为,在寻找意中人时,长相和个性占据着主导地位。但是,一款新出的交友应...

  • hiberdating 有异性没人性

    15-11-26 Hiberdating means dating in the winter months, or the situation that someone ignores all their other friends when they are dating a boyfriend/girlfriend. The second meaning is more popular. The word hiberdating is a blending of the word hibernating...

  • 美国男子重酬一万美元寻女友

    15-07-11 This Alabama man has been on 30 unsuccessful dates in the past ten months -- to remedy this situation, he created a website offering a $10,000 reward to anyone who can find him a girlfriend. 这位来自阿拉巴马州的男子在过去的十个月里已经遭遇了30次失败...

  • 找到爱情的关键似乎只在于名字

    15-03-08 Forget your chat-up lines and ditch the expensive aftershave, because scientists say the secret to dating is far simpler. The key to finding love is all in a name, it seems. 忘掉你的搭讪台词,放下那些昂贵的须后润肤露吧,科学家表示,约会的秘密比这简...

  • 幸运符能让人在恋爱中增强自信

    15-02-13 Lucky talismans and charms provide a welcome boost in confidence during the search for The One, match.com has found. 婚恋交友网站默契网发现,那些能给人带来幸运的护身符和幸运符能让人在寻找另一半的过程中增强自信。 When it comes to finding love, having...

  • 英国男女各自对约会的担心和恐惧

    15-02-11 Spilling food all over yourself, your date leaving halfway through dinner or being stood up are the UK's most feared dating mishaps. 将食物撒了一身,饭吃到一半对象却中途离席,约会被人放鸽子,这些都是英国人约会时最怕遇到的情况。 It also emerged that...

  • sindie 离异多金女

    14-11-20 Luxury brands are reporting booming sales of erotic products from a new group of women known as ' Sindies '. Sindies are Single Income Now Divorced - high-earning females, often with children, back on the dating scene and looking for fun. 多个奢侈品...

  • 四种标志判断他是否就是真爱

    14-06-27 That feeling you have whenever you think about your boyfriend or when he walks in the door? You think it means you have found The One. How exactly can you tell if you're right? 每当想起男友或者当他走进房门的时候,你可能会有特别的感觉,不过这意味着你...