• 约会时女性更挑剔

    14-04-04 Women are twice as choosy as men when they go speed dating, research suggests. Why might that be? 研究显示,约会的时候,女性的挑剔程度是男性的两倍。为什么会这样呢? Trying to work out who is single in a bar, approach them and asking them out before...

  • expiration dating 到期约会

    14-03-27 Expiration dating refers to starting a relationship that has a defined end date; for example, one of the people is moving soon. 到期约会指开启一段有截止期的恋情,例如,其中一方不久就要搬走。 Example: I hear you started dating some new girl. Yeah, bu...

  • Baby dating 娃娃相亲

    12-10-02 Baby dating describes a trend where young parents try to find playmates for their kids through online platforms just like adults who are looking for a date. They list detailed requirements for the potential son/daughter-in-law and display pictures o...

  • Intellidating 智慧相亲

    12-09-19 Intellidating , a blend of intelligent and dating, refers to dating that emphasizes intelligence, particularly by attending lectures, readings, or other cultural events. Intellidating,是intelligent(智慧)和dating(相亲、约会)两词的合成词,指一起...

  • 法国约会网站“出售”单身男性

    12-09-17 Its often tough for young women to find a good man in the modern world, but a French dating site has found a novel way to bring potential couples together. 在现代世界,年轻女人想找到一个好男人通常是很难的,但是一家法国约会网站找到了一个新途径,让年...

  • Read dating 读书约会

    12-08-02 Read dating is a method of meeting a potential romantic partner by attending an organized event in which a person meets a series of individuals and talks briefly to each of them about a favourite book 通过与一连串的人简单谈论最喜欢的书来寻找潜在的爱...

  • 网上约会不靠谱

    12-02-13 Online dating has just been revealed to be one of the most common ways to start a relationship. But new research reveals that the concept is still highly flawed. 网上约会不靠谱据称,网上约会是开启恋情的一种最常见的方式,然而新研究揭示这一想法大错特...

  • 人的魅力受性格影响?

    11-05-29 Part of what determines how much success you will have in the dating world is whether you have a good sense of whether people find you attractive. A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science...

  • 想网上约会 上传照片有讲究

    11-05-28 More people have ventured into the potentially hazardous waters of online dating than would care to admit - and some of their adventures have been truly hair-raising. 很多人会大胆尝试网上约会这一存在潜在危险的事情而不愿承认,而且其中一些人的网上约会...

  • “闪婚”如何翻译?

    10-06-04 火车提速,网络提速,建设提速如今,男男女女的约会和恋爱也跟着大提速。今天我们就来说说现在很时髦的闪电约会,闪电恋爱,以及闪婚都是怎样翻译的。 假如你还觉得online dating(网络交友)是时下最时髦的男女联谊方式的话,那就太落伍了。美国现在最流行的就是 spee...