• Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 11

    21-02-24 As Buck appeared in the doorway, blinking a little at the lamp-light, the five card-players stared at him in astonishment. Where the devil have you been? inquired Kreeger, surprised out of his accustomed taciturnity. I thought yuh was asleep, added...

  • 红松鼠比灰松鼠更能嗅出危险

    20-11-21 在红松鼠与竞争物种灰松鼠的生存斗争中,天敌松貂似乎成了红松鼠的一个意想不到的盟友。贝尔法斯特女王大学的科学家们发现,虽然松貂捕食红、灰松鼠两个物种,但灰松鼠更容易受到攻击。 Wide-eyed and cute as they appear, pine martens are sharp-clawed predators....

  • danger,peril,hazard

    20-10-31 这三个词在词典里都有 危险 这个释义,而且都可以用来谈论能给人带来危险或者伤害的事物。不过,要想恰当地使用这三个词,不能只看词典里给出的汉语翻译,还应该结合语境学习它们的具体用法。 下面,我们就来讲一讲如何正确地使用名词 danger、peril 和 hazard。 首先...

  • 侏儒负鼠冬眠时能感知危险

    16-08-23 What happens to hibernating or torpid animals when a bushfire rages? Are they able to sense danger and wake up from their energy-saving sleep to move to safety? Yes, says Julia Nowack of the University of New England in Australia, lead author of a s...

  • 蜜蜂利用复杂的信号进行预警

    16-03-27 Bees can use sophisticated signals to warn their nestmates about the level of danger from predators attacking foragers or the nest, according to a new study. Biologists at UC San Diego and in China found that an Asian species of honey bee can produc...

  • the petextrian 行走短信族

    16-02-16 There's a new creature roaming the streets: the petextrian , or texting pedestrian. 大街上游荡着一个新的群族:行走短信族,也就是边走边发短信的行人。 You know him by his hunched-over posture, staring at a blazing screen while weaving down the street....

  • hidden danger 安全隐患

    13-05-09 As Chinese cities have started to resemble their glitzy Western counterparts, with modern designs and skyscrapers wrapped in glass, aesthetic beauty has brought with it this hidden danger . 随着中国城市纷纷开始向闪耀的西方都市看齐,现代设计和玻璃围...

  • 用爱和宽容解决问题

    12-10-15 There is an old saying that actions speak louder than words. This isn't the case, however, when it comes to resolving conflict. Actions can make conflict worse, especially if they are violent ones. The most productive way to solve an argument is thr...

  • 俄罗斯森林大火仍在蔓延

    10-08-06 Russia is still fighting to extinguish nearly 600 wildfires in an emergency that has now claimed 50 lives. 俄罗斯民众正在与近600处森林大火进行抗争,此次火灾已造成50人死亡。 Foreign reinforcements are arriving, including two Canadair water-bombing pl...

  • 面对危险,男女反应不同

    09-11-30 Men and women may respond differently to danger, a brain scan study suggests. 一项脑部扫描显示,面对危险,男女反应会有不同。 A team from Krakow, in Poland, used functional magnetic resonance imaging(机能性核共振成像) (fMRI) to assess brain activit...