• 蒙牛在印尼开分厂

    18-12-01 Chinas leading dairy firm has opened a factory in Indonesia, its first in Southeast Asia. 中国乳品企业蒙牛在印度尼西亚开设南亚首家分厂。 Mengniu plans to officially sell dairy products under its YoyiC brand in Indonesia starting on Saturday. The fac...

  • 中国将提高乳制品行业

    18-06-12 China on Monday unveiled guidelines to make a series of improvements to its dairy industry. 本周一,中国公布提高乳品行业的一系列指导方针。 By 2020, the country should have achieved substantial results in the supply-side structural reform of the dair...

  • 伊利欲8.5亿美元收购Stonyfield

    17-05-12 Chinese food and dairy company Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial announced on Wednesday that it plans to bid for Danones entire stake in US organic yogurt business Stonyfield for about $850 million. 中国食品奶制品企业内蒙古伊利集团周三宣布,计划8.5亿美...

  • 俄政府开网店做生意 卖高官特供美味

    16-12-26 The Russian government is to give the public the chance to sample a range of delicacies previously reserved for senior officials. 俄罗斯政府将让公众有机会品尝到原先只有高官才能吃到的美味。 Presidential press secretary Elena Krylova says an online sh...

  • 伊利在新西兰开设分厂

    14-11-26 Chinese dairy giant Yili has opened a wholly-owned production plant in Canterbury, New Zealand. 中国乳制品巨头伊利在新西兰坎特伯雷建设了一座全资生产工厂。 The launching ceremony of Yili Oceania Production Base is held in New Zealand on November 25,...

  • 新西兰奶粉被爆有毒 公司称可放心食用

    13-02-03 Fonterra, the world's largest dairy exporter, said on Monday it has reassured its global customers that New Zealand dairy products are safe following the discovery of traces of a potentially toxic substance in milk samples. 全球最大乳制品出口商恒天...

  • 某些膳食结构能增加直肠癌患病几率

    11-10-25 Researchers may have found a specific dietary pattern linked to levels of C-peptide concentrations that increase a woman's risk for colorectal(结肠直肠的) cancer. High red meat intake, fish intake, sugar-sweetened beverage(饮料) intake, but low...

  • 食用乳制品可降低糖尿病风险

    10-12-21 Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and collaborators from other institutions have identified a natural substance in dairy fat that may substantially(实质上,大体上) reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The compound, trans-palm...

  • 雀巢暂停津巴布韦牛奶厂的运营

    09-12-24 Swiss multinational Nestle has suspended operations at its dairy plant in Zimbabwe, citing harassment. 瑞士跨国公司雀巢暂停津巴布韦牛奶厂的运营。 Gushungo is one of several farms controlled by the Mugabe family After international criticism, Nestle...

  • Dairy for children 'extends life' 乳制品可使儿童“延长寿命”

    09-07-28 Children who eat plenty of dairy foods such as milk and cheese can expect to live longer, a study suggests. 一项研究建议,经常使用牛奶、奶酪等乳制品的儿童可以更长寿。 Milk is a good source of calcium Some 4,374 UK children from a 1930s study were tr...