• Hourly dad 钟点爸爸

    12-11-27 Hourly dad (or hired dad) is a newly created term where a man is hired to take a child to and from school, play games and work out with the child. He is paid by the hour and doesn't need to help the child with his/her homework. 钟点爸爸是一个新兴职...

  • eagle dad 鹰爸

    12-10-25 A man calling himself eagle dad recently stirred up a public controversy after he uploaded a video of his 4-year-old son, whom he had forced to run naked in the snow, to the Internet. 近日,一位自称鹰爸的父亲在网络上传视频后引发公众的热议,视频中他...

  • 威尔•史密斯成身材最有型老爸

    12-06-22 父亲节前夕,一家国际健身机构通过Facebook让网友投票选择他们心目中身材最有型的老爸。结果,黑衣人威尔史密斯所得票数竟然超过足球巨星贝克汉姆,成功登顶;小贝则屈居第二。排在第三位的型爸是在《复仇者联盟》中扮演雷神托尔的克里斯海姆斯沃斯。 Will Smith has b...

  • The beautiful sound of violin

    12-05-04 When Dad played his fiddle(小提琴) , the world became a bright star. To him violin was an instrument of faith, hope and charity. At least a thousand times, my mother said, Your papa would play his fiddle if the world was about to blow up. And once...

  • Father and son 父与子

    12-01-10 Son: Is it true, Dad, I heard that in some parts of Africa a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her? Dad: That happens in every country, son. 儿子:爸爸,听说在非洲的一些地方男人在结婚前根本不认识他的妻子。 父亲:孩子,实际上所有的国家都是这...

  • Who Is This 你是哪一个?

    11-12-05 My two sister and I were all away at various colleges at the same time. One day, after facing one crisis too many and tired of being treated like just another undergraduate, I phoned home for some consolation and understanding of my unique problems....

  • My father's hug

    11-06-01 Growing up at a distance geographical and emotional from her chilly father meant Katherine Burdett always doubted his feelings for her. Until his final few days By Katherine Burdett I grew up bereft of(失去) hugs. Neither of my parents was the cud...

  • 五种了不起的父亲

    09-11-26 Fathers of the animal kingdom are not that different from our own beloved dads. Sure, human dads can play catch(做传球的游戏) and help with homework, but can they give birth? Daddy sea horses can! This Father's Day, while you're praising your fami...

  • Happy Father's Day 告诉父亲你爱他

    09-09-29 我打电话给父亲问能不能下班后去看他,我向他保证花不了多长时间,最终他同意了。我一脚跨进门槛说:老爸,我来就是为了特地告诉你一声,我爱你。 听了这话,老爸似乎前后判若两人。只见他脸变得柔和起来,连皱纹似乎也消失了,他泣不成声,伸出手拥抱我说:儿子,我也...

  • Genes blamed for early first sex 研究:过早接触性与基因有关

    09-09-15 The fact that children raised in homes without a dad have sex earlier is down to their genes, say US researchers. 美国研究人员称,没有父亲的家庭中长大的孩子过早接触到性是由于他们的基因问题。 Early education about sex and relationships is key, say ca...