16-02-04 Waist-length hair 齐腰长发 Shoulder-length hair 齐肩长发 Long hair 长发 Medium-length hair 中长发 Short hair 短发 Curly hair 卷发 Straight hair 直发 Ponytail 马尾 Pigtails 2条辫子 Braid 辫子 Bob 波波头(樱桃小丸子头、蘑菇头) Bun 发髻、丸子头 Updo...
14-03-13 The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday said it was not aware of Gambia's decision to cut off its diplomatic ties with Taiwan, adding it had no contact with authorities in the West African state. 中国外交部周五表示,中国政府对冈比亚决定与台湾断交一事...
14-03-10 Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has announced that he and his cabinet will take a pay cut to help bring down the government's wage bill. 肯尼亚总统乌虎鲁肯雅塔宣布他本人以及内阁成员将减薪以减少政府的财政压力。 President Kenyatta says the government...
11-09-08 Teacher: If I cut a beefsteak in half and then cut the half in half, what do I get? Tommy: Quarters. Teacher: And then if I cut it twice again? Tommy: Hamburger. 老师:如果我把一块牛排切成两半的两半,我能得到几块儿? 汤米:四块。 老师:那我要是再切...
11-07-19 Cisco, the world's largest maker of computer networking equipment, will cut its workforce by as much as 9%, trimming 6,500 jobs. 思科公司,世界上最大的计算机网络设备生产商,将裁员9%,即6500个工作岗位。 The move is part of plans announced in May that...
09-12-16 I'm not having it all cut off Miles sometime went to the barber's during working hours to have his hair cut. But this was against the office rules: clerks had to have their hair cut in their own time. While Miles was at the barber's one day, the man...
09-12-07 Archaeologists have found evidence of mass cannibalism at a 7,000-year-old human burial site in south-west Germany, the journal Antiquity reports. 杂志《古代》报道,考古学家在德国西南部一处7000年的人类埋葬地发现大量同类相食的证据。 The site contains...
09-11-11 Lloyds Banking Group is to cut 5,000 more jobs by the end of next year as it continues to reduce overlap following its merger with HBOS last year. 骏懋银行集团计划明年年底之前裁员至少5000人,该银行自去年与哈利法克斯银行合并之后一直在缩减冗陈机构。 S...
09-09-22 The global recession and a range of government policies are likely to bring the biggest annual fall in the world's carbon dioxide emissions in 40 years. 全球经济低迷和一系列政府政策导致世界近40年以来二氧化碳的排放量下降最大。 Climate protestors in N...
09-09-16 Japan Airlines (JAL) plans to cut 6,800 jobs, as an airline trade body upped its projected losses for the global industry this year. 由于今年整个航空行业的不景气,日本航空公司计划裁减6800个工作岗位。 The airline expects a heavy loss for the year The...