• 利用咖啡渣制成的咖啡杯碟

    16-07-17 German company Kaffeeform combines dried coffee grounds and biopolymer to create stylish-looking coffee cups and saucers that are not only durable and dishwasher-safe, but even smell a bit like coffee. 一家名为Kaffeeform的德国公司通过混合咖啡渣和生...

  • 杯子颜色影响咖啡味道

    14-11-30 一项新研究表明,用蓝色杯子或玻璃杯喝咖啡会降低咖啡的苦味,不用加糖就会感觉更甜。实验表明,相比玻璃杯,用白色杯子喝咖啡会感觉味道更浓;而相比有颜色的杯子,用白色杯子喝咖啡会感觉味道更苦。 More than 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed across the...

  • 多数平胸女对自己的胸型很满意

    10-09-25 It is commonly assumed that small-chested women feel that natures lottery has left them coming up short. The parade of heaving bosoms in Victorias Secret catalogs not only suggests that bigger is better but also that supersizing with a push-up bra i...
