• internet plus tourism 互联网+旅游

    20-12-09 文化和旅游部、国家发展改革委等十部门日前联合印发《关于深化互联网+旅游推动旅游业高质量发展的意见》。意见提出,到2025年,国家4A级及以上景区基本实现智慧化转型升级。 A guideline on facilitating internet plus tourism, jointly released by 10 government d...

  • 四六级翻译常用文化类表达 上

    20-11-29 ...

  • 四六级翻译常用文化类表达 上

    20-11-29 ...

  • 爱屋及乌

    20-11-16 爱屋及乌出处:《尚书大传大战》:爱人者,兼其屋上之乌。 解释:因为爱一个人而连带爱他屋上的乌鸦。比喻爱一个人而连带地关心到与他有关的人或物。可以直译为the love for somebody or something extends to everything related with it,或者直接用英语中现有的表达...

  • 世界各地独一无二的赠礼传统

    20-11-13 In Europe, dont accidentally cut yourself out of someones life. Here in the US, a set of kitchen knives seems like the perfect gift idea for a wedding or holiday. However, in certain European countries like Germany, superstition dictates that a knif...

  • 伦敦放宽疫情封锁措施 各大场所重新开放

    20-10-11 Its a city thats 2000 years old, enduring two world wars. Pandemics arent new here, but the coronavirus has attempted to threaten Londons very identity. Just four months ago it was one of the worlds most bustling cities with 9 million people living...

  • 变暖的地球

    20-10-11 We are all aware of climate change and how it is threatening our planet. Industrialisation, our disposable culture and population growth are some of the reasons why we are seeing average temperatures rise and more extreme weather events. And scienti...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 1

    20-09-15 If anyone had told me what wonderful changes were to take place here in ten years, I wouldnt have believed it, said Mrs Jo to Mrs Meg, as they sat on the piazza at Plumfield one summer day, looking about them with faces full of pride and pleasure. T...

  • poverty relief through culture and tourism 文化和旅游扶贫

    20-02-12 文化和旅游部表示,2019年文化和旅游扶贫工作扎实推进,为贫困地区村文化活动室购置设备、送戏下乡等一系列帮扶项目有力实施,丰富了村民生活。 China made solid progress in reducing poverty through the promotion of culture and tourism in poor areas in 2019,...

  • 菲尼克斯举行第30届中国文化和美食节

    20-02-11 Phoenix, capital of the US state of Arizona, held its 30th Chinese Culture and Cuisine Festival over the weekend to celebrate the Year of the Rat and share Chinese culture with local residents. 美国亚利桑那州首府菲尼克斯上周末举行第30届中国文化和美...