• 学位服 cap and gown

    21-06-23 学位服 cap and gown 学位服(academic dress/ costume)一般就称为cap /kp/ and gown /gan/,即学位帽和学位袍。 其实学位服还有个部分叫hood(兜帽,坎肩),就是披在背后的那个垂布。 学位帽最常用的叫法是cap,又叫square academic cap,graduate cap。 不过,学位...

  • 米歇尔的服饰多靠捐赠和优惠

    14-06-08 在米歇尔奥巴马五年多美国第一夫人生涯中,衣着常让人惊艳,穿衣对于第一夫人而言并非小事。米歇尔每天都会有或高或低的时尚组合,但是,米歇尔的服饰并非靠纳税人埋单。 Michelle Obama's fashionable clothing has become something of a given in her five-plus yea...

  • 鲁少儒

    14-05-09 The state of Lu was the cradleland(发源地) of Confucianism, and there were a great number of Confucian scholars in the state. Duke Aigong of the state of Lu was very proud of this. But Zhang Zi thought that those who had the title of Confucian sch...

  • 'Sleazy' kimono sparks anger 日本环球小姐“超短”和服惹争议

    09-08-08 即将在本月23日代表日本参加环球小姐总决赛的宫坂绘美里因为穿着改版的超短和服而在日本国内受到广泛批评。据悉,在东京媒体见面会上首次亮相的这款改版和服为黑色皮质,且因长度大减而使里面的亮粉色内衣和吊袜带都完全暴露在外。这种装扮让观众十分困扰,纷纷批评她...
