• 朴槿惠刑期提高到25年

    18-08-24 A South Korean appeals court on Friday raised the sentencing of ousted President Park Geun-hye to 25 years in prison on corruption charges, including bribery that led to her impeachment. 韩国一家上诉法院周五将被罢黜总统朴槿惠的刑期提高到25年,朴槿惠...

  • 李明博首次出庭受审

    18-05-24 Former South Korean President Lee Myung-bak on Wednesday appeared at the first trial over corruption charges, including bribery and embezzlement. 韩国前总统李明博周三在其首次庭审中露面,他被指控犯下贪污、受贿以及挪用公款。 Dressed in black suit and...

  • 《人民的名义》中的反腐话题

    17-04-10 腐败corruption 腐败(corruption)是描述国家工作人员以权谋私、贪污受贿、生活腐化等的统称。 它有多种形式,包括: 贿赂(bribery) 勒索(extortion) 任人唯亲(cronyism) 裙带关系(nepotism) 庇护(patronage) 以权谋私(influence peddling) 贪污(graft)...

  • 印度两种卢比纸币将退出流通

    16-11-23 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered the withdrawal of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes from circulation on Tuesday in a shock announcement designed to tackle widespread corruption. 为打击大规模的贪污腐败,印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪于周二发表讲话宣布,面...

  • military-provided paid service 军队有偿服务

    16-05-16 China said it has begun to halt all military-provided paid services , which analysts said would help prevent corruption and enhance combat capabilities. 中国近日表示将开始暂停所有军队有偿服务,分析人士指出,此举将有助于防止军队腐败,提高作战能力。...

  • backyard corruption 后院腐败

    16-03-29 According to Peoples Daily, of the 34 ministerial and higher-level government officials under investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China, the violations of the law and Party discipline of at lea...

  • inbreeding 近亲繁殖

    15-07-13 Offering public-funded posts to relatives and friends and promoting them to high, powerful positions is a common practice of executives of State-owned enterprises seeking to hide corruption. Such inbreeding is detrimental to the political ecology wi...

  • ants eating style of corruption 蚁贪

    15-06-29 Two education bureau officials in Tiantai, Zhejiang province, demanded kickbacks from a local printing company for each exam paper it printed. Within five years they received kickbacks of as much as 250,000 yuan from about 25 million exam papers. Th...

  • banquet redline 饭局红线

    15-05-26 The new banquet redlines clearly stipulate which kinds of banquets and dinners officials are forbidden to attend, which will not only reduce the wasting of taxpayers' money, but also shrink the breeding ground for corruption. 新的饭局红线清晰规定了...

  • cliques and factions 拉帮结派

    15-05-11 There is no room for cliques and factions within the Communist Party of China, top leaders said as they pledged to persist in the fight against corruption. 国家领导人承诺要坚持反腐败斗争,党内决不容忍搞团团伙伙、结党营私、拉帮结派。 党内决不容忍搞团...