• 官商勾结

    15-04-22 Corruption involving collusion between government officials and business owners and executives remains the biggest challenge facing those involved in the campaign against bribery and fraud, according to the top anti-graft body. 中央纪委监察部表示,...

  • 巴西民众举行反腐败游行

    15-04-14 More than one million people joined demonstrations against government corruption in over 200 cities across Brazil on April 12. 4月12日全巴西200多个城市有100多万人参加了反政府腐败的游行示威活动。 Photo shows people take part in a protest against gove...

  • rent-seeking and corruption 权力寻租

    15-03-26 China will conduct a nationwide audit of government land sales and related deals that may shed light on rent-seeking and corruption , the Economic Observer newspaper reported on Saturday. 据《经济观察报》上周六报道,中国将对政府土地销售和相关交易进...

  • 两会代表呼吁尽快制定反贪法规

    15-03-12 Deputies of the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have called for the faster introduction of anti-corruption legislation to tackle the problem at the roots. 中国人大代表和政协委员呼吁尽...

  • military enterprises 军工企业

    14-11-28 Supervision of China's military enterprises is increasing, as is evident from recent investigations of several senior managers on suspicion of corruption, analysts said. 分析人士称,中国对军工企业的监管在加强,从近日对几个军工企业高管涉嫌腐败的调查...

  • moral corruption 道德败坏

    14-11-28 There is no official explanation for moral corruption , but an official from the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said the term means that an official has at least three mistresses, the Henan Business News reported. 据《河南商报》报...

  • 弗吉尼亚前州长麦克唐纳犯下贪污罪

    14-09-05 A court in Virginia has found the former state governor, Bob McDonnell, and his wife guilty of corruption. 美国弗吉尼亚州一家法院发现,前州长鲍勃麦克唐纳和他妻子犯下贪污罪。 McDonnell was once considered a rising star of the Republican party Mr McDo...

  • 阿根廷副总统涉嫌腐败被起诉

    14-06-30 Argentine Vice-President Amado Boudou has been charged in a corruption case. 阿根廷副总统阿马多布都涉嫌贪污腐败被起诉。 Amado Boudou says elements of the pro-opposition media are conspiring against him Mr Boudou is suspected of using his influence w...

  • high-handed posture 高压态势

    14-03-28 The Party vowed on Wednesday to fight corruption firmly and to maintain its high-handed posture in the next five years. 党中央周三表示将坚决打击腐败,在今后五年保持反腐高压态势。 高压态势就是high-handed posture,这意味着政府将采取high-handed measure...

  • official receptions 公务接待

    14-03-13 China issued a series of guidelines on official receptions on Sunday, pledging to close loopholes that foster extravagance and corruption. 中国于周日发布了一系列公务接待管理规定,旨在填补那些滋生奢华腐败之风的漏洞。 Official receptions就是公务接待,...