22-11-26 Offside 越位 11月22日晚,世界杯小组赛C组,由阿根廷队对阵沙特阿拉伯队,这是梅西在本届世界杯上的首次亮相。梅西领衔的阿根廷队在先得1分的情况下,惨遭沙特队逆转,以1:2输给了沙特队,爆出本届世界杯开赛以来的最大冷门。 Saudi Arabia pulled off one of the bi...
22-05-11 in your corner 在拳击比赛中,场角(the corners)是拳击台上供拳击手回合之间休息的两个对角。通常,在回合之间,每名拳击手都有一位助手(a second)或场角指导(cornerman)对其进行指导,这位助手一般是教练或训练员。这一做法产生了短语 in ones corner,用来比...
21-06-25 我们在走路时,比起走直角,沿着两点之间最短的距离走更加省时。英语表达to cut corners 切断角落的实际含义就是为了省时间或金钱贪便宜、走捷径;偷工减料。这个说法带有贬义,使用时需要注意。 例句 The builders tried to cut corners by using cheaper material....
21-06-25 成语corner the market 围住市场用来形容商场中的一个现象:由一个公司制造或出售的某个特定类型的产品在市场上的销量超过了其它竞争公司所出售的同类产品,从而使这家公司在此产品领域最为成功,控制了市...
21-06-07 Seize Brian Komei Dempster Blue flame in the eyes corner, stove on high, we brace for his flint and spark, our dark surprise, his smile jolts, head unleashed, little body arched, straining in the high chair, we stand to face anything, she steadies h...
20-09-08 走投无路,汉语成语,比喻陷入绝境,没有出路( be driven desperate;have no way out;be in a hopeless dilemma),逼得某人走投无路可以翻译为drive/put/force somebody into a corner。 例句: 他被逼得走投无路,最后卧轨自杀。 Eventually, driven to despair ,...
14-11-13 When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem's fears of never being able to play football were assuaged, hewas seldom self-conscious about his injury. His left arm was somewhat shorter th...
13-10-28 Off Duty My dear girl, we shall have you sick in your bed, unless you keep yourself warm and quiet for a few days. Widow Wadman can take care of the ward alone, now the men are so comfortable, and have her vacation when you are about again. Now do b...
13-10-11 Isaac David R. Slavitt After that grotesque(奇怪的) business up on the mountain, Abraham comes down and goes to Beersheba, but what about Isaac? No, not a word about him. A mistake? There cannot be mistakes in the Torah! The hole is there to let t...
10-05-17 Mildred orme(榆木) , seated in the snuggest corner of the big front porch of the Kraummer farmhouse, was as content as a girl need hope to be. This was no such farm as one reads about in humorous fiction. Here were swelling(膨胀的,肿大的) acres...