• 珊瑚可预防晒伤

    23-01-29 英国的研究人员说,他们发现水下珊瑚里的某些化学物质能够用来帮助人们预防晒伤,他们希望能够研制出一种防晒药片。 Coral is an animal that thrives in shallow water, where it can absorb vital sunlight, but that also makes it vulnerable to strong ultraviole...

  • 《海底总动员-1》第1章

    23-01-12 Deep in the ocean, the morning suns rays shone through the water. Inside an anemone, an excited young clownfish jumped awake. First day of school! he shouted to his father. Wake up! Come on! I dont want to go to school, Marlin muttered. Not you, Dad...

  • 1900年以来南海海平面上升了150毫米

    22-03-30 近日,中国科学家在珊瑚氧稳定同位素记录海平面变化研究上取得新进展,发现1900年以来南海海平面上升了150毫米。 Chinese researchers have reconstructed the history of the South China Seas sea-level shift using local corals and found that the sea level has...

  • 印度尼西亚部分珊瑚礁重现生机

    21-06-01 在当地团体、环保组织大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)和宠物品牌希宝(Sheba)的合作努力下,约有四万平方米的珊瑚礁已被重新注入生机。这是到 2029 年修复世界上 18.5 万平方米珊瑚礁计划的其中一部分。 Over the years, there have been many attempts to...

  • 海洋塑料垃圾威胁珊瑚礁的生存

    21-04-07 一组科学家称,继海洋变暖后,塑料已成为危及珊瑚礁生存最大的威胁之一。研究人员发现亚太海域中有三分之一的珊瑚礁被超过110亿件塑料垃圾所覆盖。 Discarded plastic bags, water bottles and food wrappers: researchers say they were saddened to find so much pla...

  • 过去25年中大堡礁珊瑚数量下降超50%

    20-11-17 一项研究发现,自 1995 年以来,由于气候变化导致海水变暖,澳大利亚大堡礁珊瑚数量下降了一半以上。 There is no time to lose. Thats the stark warning from Australian researchers about the health of the worlds largest reef system. 情况紧迫,时不我待。这是...

  • 鱼类尿液能促进珊瑚礁生长

    16-08-17 Coral reefs wouldnt be the same without their beautiful fish. A diversity of colorful, beautifully patterned species lives in tandem with coral reefs around the world, having adapted their appearance, body structure and lifestyle to take refuge in t...

  • 全球珊瑚礁将承受高于常温的海水

    16-06-21 A new NOAA outlook shows that many coral reefs across around the world will likely be exposed to higher-than-normal sea temperatures for an unprecedented third year in a row, leading to increased bleaching - and with no signs of stopping. While the...

  • 海洋酸化已经延缓了珊瑚礁的生长

    16-02-26 An international team of scientists from the Carnegie Institution for Science, Rice University and other institutions has performed the first experiment to manipulate seawater chemistry in a natural coral-reef community to determine the effect that...