• 实验室中培养的珊瑚在野外成功繁殖

    16-01-31 Researchers of SECORE International (USA, Germany), the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and the Carmabi Marine Research Station (Curaao) have for the first time successfully raised laboratory-bred colonies of a threatened Caribbean coral speci...

  • 珊瑚、海藻以及鱼的食欲

    16-01-06 A new study by the University of Delaware's Danielle Dixson and Rohan Brooker has shown that butterflyfishes avoid coral that has come in contact with seaweed. The paper, which appeared this week in the Nature publication Scientific Reports, is the...

  • “量化”珊瑚礁的美

    15-11-13 Almost every person has an appreciation for natural environments. In addition, most people find healthy or pristine locations with high biodiversity more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing than environmentally degraded locations. In a study which...

  • 防晒霜对珊瑚礁有毒

    15-10-22 The daily use of sunscreen bearing an SPF of 15 or higher is widely acknowledged as essential to skin cancer prevention, not to mention skin damage associated with aging. Though this sunscreen may be very good for us, it may be very bad for the envi...

  • 食用醋可有效杀灭刺冠海星

    15-09-24 James Cook University scientists in Australia have made a breakthrough in the war against a deadly enemy of the Great Barrier Reef. The Crown of Thorns Starfish (CoTS) are breeding at epidemic levels and are one of the primary reasons for the declin...

  • 一些珊瑚种群已开始适应全球变暖

    15-06-29 Some coral populations already have genetic variants necessary to tolerate warm ocean waters, and humans can help to spread these genes, a team of scientists from The University of Texas at Austin, the Australian Institute of Marine Science and Oreg...

  • 帕劳群岛珊瑚礁已适应海洋酸化的影响

    15-06-15 Will some coral reefs be able to adapt to rapidly changing conditions in Earth's oceans? If so, what will these reefs look like in the future? As the ocean absorbs atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) released by the burning of fossil fuels, its chemist...

  • 大堡礁海洋保护区可以阻止珊瑚疾病的传播

    15-06-04 A new and significant role for marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef has been revealed, with researchers finding the reserves reduce the prevalence of coral diseases. It's been known for some time that marine reserves are important for maintaini...

  • 白化现象对珊瑚有长期不良影响

    14-11-26 A new study by a Florida State University biologist shows that bleaching events brought on by rising sea temperatures are having a detrimental long-term impact on coral. Professor Don Levitan, chair of the Department of Biological Science, writes in...

  • 严格的渔业管理能逆转气候变化影响

    14-10-27 A new study has found that implementing stricter fisheries management overcame the expected detrimental effects of climate change disturbances in coral reef fisheries badly impacted by the 1997/98 El Nio, according to the Wildlife Conservation Socie...