• swag

    21-10-18 swag是美国年轻人经常挂嘴边的流行用语。 在传统含义中,swag做名词,一词多义,可以表示赃物、行囊、窗帘上的帷幕等,还引申出动词swagger,表示大摇大摆(含贬义),比如: He swaggered into the room. 他大摇大摆走进了屋子。 但潮人们说的swag,以及T恤衫、鸭舌帽...

  • you are blue in the face 花很长时间做一件事情

    21-09-07 如果你坚持做某事直到 you are blue in the face, 意思就是你花很长时间做一件事情,做到脸都发青了也没用,不会成功。 例句 Martin argued with his mother until he was blue in the face, but she still made him wash the dishes. You can walk up and down the hi...

  • to have (got) someone's back 困难时刻 鼎力支持

    21-08-02 如果你对某人说I have (got) your back意思就是无论是多么困难的情况下,你都会鼎力支持他们。 例句 Listen, you know Ive got your back. If you want to make a complaint Ill support you. I saw exactly what happened and it wasnt your fault. You know I love y...

  • 外国网友的一些shower thoughts

    21-07-28 - 1 - When youre a kid, you dont realize youre also watching your mom and dad grow up. 你小的时候意识不到自己也在看着(年轻的)父母成长。 - 2 - It would be cool if after you died you could see the top 5 times you almost died. 如果死后可以看到自己一...

  • You're a sick girl 你太酷了

    21-07-26 不要一看到sick这个词就以为别人在说你坏话噢。除了生病的,有病的,sick在口语中也表示特别酷的人或事物。 英文释义: cool or hawt or fabulous (hawt是having a wonderful time的缩写) 所以,在这里sick表示炫酷的、棒极了的意思。Youre sick是在夸你很酷。 例句...

  • as cool as a cucumber 泰然自若

    21-07-19 表达as cool as a cucumber 像黄瓜一样冷静可以理解为处变不惊、泰然自若,即形容人在压力下显得极为冷静,毫不动容。单词 cool 在这里的意思并不是清凉的,而是指人镇定、沉着的样子。 例句 Hearing the news, everyone in the room panicked except for Tracey - she...

  • “酷暑”怎么表达

    21-06-22 1 Its stiflingly hot. I can hardly study! 天气太闷热了,我根本没法好好学习! 2 Its raining fire! The road is melting and I am leaking/ sweating. 太热了!感觉浑身都在滴汗,路也在融化。 3 If we do not escape the heat, it is easy to have sunstroke and...

  • You gucci 好的、棒的、酷的

    21-01-26 You gucci是什么意思? gucci是国外年轻人口语里常用的词,可以代替good、cool、awesome,形容好的、棒的、酷的。 这个意思还真与意大利时尚品牌Gucci有关,由于Gucci的东西奢华高贵,这个词渐渐就成了好与酷的代名词。 Ps:You gucci这个说法常用于口语和网络,学生党...

  • man on the moon 很有范儿、很特别、很有个性的人

    20-12-27 A man on the moon is a person who is not an outcast but different from everyone else. A unique person, different in a good way. 月亮上的人(man on the moon)指一个并不离群索居、但与其他人不一样的人。他独一无二,很特别,而且是好的特别。 例如: That g...

  • as cool as a cucumber非常冷静,泰然自若

    20-10-13 as cool as a cucumber 和黄瓜一样酷? 乍一看真的很容易看成像黄瓜一样酷,可是黄瓜哪里酷了,小盆友,你是不是有很多问号? 其实单词cool除了有清凉的、酷的意思外,还可以指人镇定、沉着的。 所以as cool as a cucumber 的真实意思是非常冷静,泰然自若,即形容人在...