• 英国罕见酷暑 风扇都卖光

    18-07-30 Brits sweltering through the UKs longest heatwave since 1976 have taken to Twitter in a panic as they desperately seek out fans to keep them cool. 今年夏天,英国遭遇了自1976年以来最大的热浪,推特上也陷入一片恐慌,大家想尽一切办法买风扇给自己降温。 T...

  • 如何在最热的天气里保持凉爽

    18-05-20 Wear loose clothing, mostly cotton This seems obvious, but wearing clothing that is loose rather than tight allows air to flow past the skin. This carries away the warmth that your body generates and allows cooler air to flow back in. Clothes like t...

  • 日本最新奇葩发明:夹在腋下的风扇

    16-07-25 With summers getting hotter every year, keeping your armpits dry is quite the challenge. While many of use still rely on deodorants, the quirky Japanese have come up with a high-tech alternative worthy of their reputation for crazy inventions clip-o...

  • closet psycho 不易察觉的神经质

    15-04-24 When you first start to date someone and they seem normal but as time goes on their craziness comes out. 当你最开始和某人约会时,他/她们看上去很正常,但随着时间的推移,他们疯狂的一面开始显露出来。 Adam: I thought Susan was a cool person until I move...

  • Cool Carl 酷抠族

    13-06-15 酷抠族,是悄然崛起于当今族语境下的一群时尚达人。人如其名,他们身上既有酷(cool)的超逸,也有凡人(carl)的简约。是当下一种时尚的抠门,这是一种褒义下的抠,因为酷抠族崇尚的是节约光荣,浪费可耻。酷抠族未必贫穷,也不是守财奴,他们具有较高的学历,不菲的...

  • 热的地区更容易招引害虫

    13-03-28 Higher temperatures in cities can be a key driver of insect pest outbreaks on trees in urban areas, according to research published March 27 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Emily Meineke from North Carolina State University and colleagues fro...

  • A Chilling Thrill

    11-12-06 My new school's ski trip seemed like a good idea to my mom, who was holding up the slick new ski jacket she'd just bought for me. Mom must have imagined me-her seventh-grade daughter, Carlyand my new rosycheeked friends sipping hot chocolate beside...

  • 调查:美国人全世界最酷

    11-09-11 They may be witnessing their global superpower influence decline in the face of challenges from other emerging players on the world stage, but Americans have been voted the world's coolest nationality in an international poll. 面对世界舞台上其他新兴...

  • 日本发动清凉夏装行动

    11-06-04 在酷夏到来之际,日本环境省发起了超级清凉夏装行动,要求全国将室内空调温度上调至28摄氏度,鼓励人们脱下西装,改穿T恤、短袖衬衫、运动鞋甚至夏威夷花衬衫和凉鞋等清凉便装上班。 Neckties(领带) are out and casual shirts in, even aloha shirts(夏威夷衬衫)...

  • 酷暑难耐 日本鬼屋成消暑好去处

    10-09-06 With Japan suffering its worst heatwave since records began in 1898, haunted houses or obake yashiki are doing a roaring trade as the traditional summertime venues to cool off. 日本今夏遭遇自1898年有气象记录以来的最热酷暑,但传统避暑胜地受到游客冷落...