• in a big way 彻底地

    22-05-07 in a big way 彻底地 Notes: in a big way的意思是彻底的,充分的。剧中Beth用这个短语来表达自己已经完全走出了失恋的阴影。再看一些例句: Hes into cooking in a big way. 他彻底迷上了厨艺。...

  • put sb/sth to shame 使相形见绌

    22-02-15 put sb/sth to shame的意思是使相形见绌,单说put sb to shame是指使(某人)感到羞愧, Your cooking puts mine to shame. 你做菜的功夫令我自愧不如。 knee-deep的字面意思表示齐膝深的,你想想,走过齐膝深的泥水是不是就有种陷进泥水的感觉,所以说,它的比喻义就...

  • to touch a raw nerve 触及痛处

    21-06-16 当我们在看牙医时,如果医生碰到了暴露在外的神经 a raw nerve,那么我们会感到剧烈的疼痛。而表达 to touch a (raw) nerve 的意思则是 因谈到了敏感的话题而让人感到难过,也就是我们平常说的 触及到了某人的痛处。 例句 I could tell Id touched a nerve when I aske...

  • 喜欢残羹盛饭

    21-03-30 Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson recommended goose fat. In the UK, we throw away more than 7 million tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year. At least half of that food is perfectly edible. One reason for this is a problem with portions we k...

  • 在家做饭的省钱妙招

    21-01-04 Are you planning to eat out tonight or are you going to stay in to save the pennies? A meal out at a good restaurant or even a pizza parlour can set you back a small fortune, so cooking for yourself makes financial sense. But with the rise in food p...

  • Dinner's ready 晚餐准备好了

    16-06-04 My cooking has always been the target of family jokes. One evening, as I prepared dinner a bit too quickly, the kitchen filled with smoke and the smoke detector went off. Although both of my children had received fire-safety training at school, they...

  • 《12道锋味》将被改编拍成电影

    16-03-16 Chinese singer and actor Nicholas Tse's popular food travelogue reality program -Chef Nic is set to be adapted into a movie. 中国歌手、演员谢霆锋打造的流行食物旅行见闻讲演节目《12道锋味》将要被改编拍成电影。 The cooking show's co-producer Emperor Mo...

  • gastrophysics 美食物理学

    16-01-28 Gastrophysics refers to the theories and experimental methodologies of physics applied to food, cooking, and eating. 美食物理学是指将物理理论和试验方法应用于食物、烹饪和饮食方面的学问。 这个词是由gastronomy(美食学,烹饪法)和physics(物理)组合而成...

  • 《舌尖上的新年》明天将在中国各大影院上映

    16-01-06 The documentary A Bite of China: Celebrating the Chinese New Year will hit the big screens in China tomorrow. 纪录片《舌尖上的新年》将于明天在中国各大影院上映。 Unlike the TV version of the show, this is a full-length feature. It takes the audience...

  • gastrosexuals 性感美食家

    15-01-12 A new generation of men who see cooking more as a hobby than a household chore, and use their cooking skills to impress friends and potential partners. They are gastrosexuals . 某些新一代的男性,他们热衷于烹饪胜过做家庭琐事,他们用高超的烹饪技巧震惊...