• 英国塑料协定:多家公司共同承诺减少污染

    21-04-02 在英国,已有40多家公司报名加入了一个旨在未来七年里减少塑料污染的协定。这些公司做出了一系列承诺,包括保证将通过更优化的产品设计来严守杜绝使用一次性塑料包装。 The companies range from consumer giants like Proctor and Gamble and Coca-Cola to supermarke...

  • 人为的物品缺乏

    21-03-30 Butter, bacon, sugar, tea and meat were rationed in Britain during World War ll We expect companies selling products to make them as available as possible. But now some of them are bringing back rationing. As you might expect, its all part of a plan...

  • 小额贷款公司不得向大学生发放互联网消费贷款

    21-03-21 近日,银保监会办公厅、中央网信办秘书局、教育部办公厅、公安部办公厅、人民银行办公厅联合印发了《关于进一步规范大学生互联网消费贷款监督管理工作的通知》,从四个方面进一步规范大学生互联网消费贷款监督管理,切实维护大学生合法权益。 Micro lenders are banned...

  • 中国白酒英文名字更改为Chinese Baijiu

    21-01-15 1月11日,经与海关总署税收征管局(京津)多次沟通,中国酒业协会于2020年4月25日正式向海关总署提出申请,建议将海关商品名录中中国白酒的英文名字由原来的Chinese distilled spirits更改为Chinese Baijiu。 Accounting for one-third of the worlds total consumption...

  • consumer price index 居民消费价格指数

    20-09-11 国家统计局公布的数据显示,2020年2月份,全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨5.2%。这一数据与市场预期一致,与1月相比,CPI涨幅回落0.2个百分点。 Chinas consumer price index (CPI) grew 5.2 percent year on year in February, the National Bureau of Statistic...

  • CK纽约旗舰店将关闭

    19-01-11 The well-known apparel maker Calvin Klein will close its flagship store on Madison Avenue in New York City this spring. 今年春天,知名服装生产商CK将关闭纽约城麦迪逊大道上的旗舰店。 The brand, a wholly owned subsidiary of PVH Corp., said in a stateme...

  • 中国农产品价格轻微下滑

    18-06-20 Chinas farm produce prices fell slightly in the week ending June 17 due to sharp drops in vegetable prices, according to the Ministry of Commerce Tuesday. 中国商务部周二表示,因蔬菜价格暴跌,到6月17日结束的这一周农产品价格轻微下滑。 The price index...

  • 中国将进一步降低日消品进口关税

    18-05-31 China will further cut import tariffs for daily consumer goods starting July 1, the State Council decided at an executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday. 本周三由李克强主持召开的国务院常务会议中决定,7月1日起中国将进一步降低日用...

  • 中国成世界第二大药品消费国

    17-07-13 China has become the second largest consumer of medicine in the world, an official at China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) said Wednesday. 中国食品药品监督管理总局的一位官员周三表示,中国已成为世界上第二大药品消费国。 According to Wu Zhen, depu...

  • 指尖陀螺可能有安全隐患

    17-06-25 Fidget spinners may be fun, but that doesnt mean theyre always safe. 指尖陀螺可能好玩,但这不意味着它一直是安全的。 The consumer watchdog group, World Against Toys Causing Harm, named fidget spinners among this years summer toy hazards. They say spi...