• blow off steam 发牢骚

    22-11-15 发牢骚,汉语词语,意思是发泄烦闷不满的情绪。可以翻译为air/vent ones grievances,complain about,blow off steam等。 例句: 你老发牢骚,真让人受不了。 Your constant whining is driving me crazy....

  • bragplaining 假装抱怨的自夸

    22-04-07 常常有人在我们面前说这不好那不好,自己有多么倒霉,但是细细听来,句句都是在夸自己,炫耀自己。这个时候,我们可以回他们一句:你这不是在bragplaining么? Bragplaining is used when you complain about something for the sole purpose of brining it up in conve...

  • 如果你没有好话要说,就什么也别说

    20-12-03 英语谚语 If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all. 的字面意思是:如果你说不出什么好话,就干脆什么也别说。它用来告诫人们,不要说刻薄的话,做人要厚道。 这句谚语也可以这样说: 1. If you dont have something nice to say, dont say anything...

  • 长大后 请不要再像个大孩子

    13-06-24 Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. -- Dale Carnegie If we really want to be happy, why do we act like such babies? We can claim to be proactive(有前瞻性的) in ou...

  • 调查:法国人自认爱发牢骚

    10-05-15 Irritable waiters huffing in cafes. A gallic shrug in a heated debate. Street protests at every new government initiative. Many may already see France as a nation of grumblers, but a new survey shows the French agree. 餐厅里的服务生脾气暴躁、态度蛮...

  • Stop acting like such a big baby 不要像个大孩子

    09-09-29 想想吧,如果停止抱怨的话你会变得多么快乐。反正那些事情又无力改变,整天想着那些你无力改变的事情又有什么意义呢?如果你来问我,我会说那样很愚蠢。当你意识到自己在抱怨的时候,停下来,问问自己是要变得快乐,还是继续这样抱怨下去。 你准备好过没有抱怨,更加快...
