• 现代商贸流通体系

    23-07-03 现代商贸流通体系 modern commercial distribution system 国家发展改革委1月24日发布《十四五现代流通体系建设规划》。规划围绕深化现代流通市场化改革、完善现代商贸流通体系、加快发展现代物流体系等6大领域提出任务举措。 The National Development and Reform Com...

  • 商业地产 commercial real estate

    22-04-06 请看例句: Chinas annual commercial real estate investment is expected to exceed 300 billion yuan ($47 billion) for the first time in 2022. 2022年中国商业地产投资有望首度突破3000亿元。 商业地产服务与投资机构世邦魏理仕发布报告称,2021年中国大宗物业投...

  • commercial endowment insurance 商业养老保险

    20-06-30 12月30日召开的国务院常务会议提出,要积极发展社会服务领域商业保险,为更有力应对老龄化提供支撑,满足群众其他保险保障需求。会议提出,加快发展商业养老保险,优化养老保险结构。 China will actively promote the development of commercial insurance in social...

  • 上海成国内最具商业吸引力城市

    18-04-28 Shanghai has overtaken Beijing to become the city with most commercial attraction in the four first-tier cities, according to a report by the China Business Network. 中国商务集团的一份报告指出,上海已取代北京成为最具商业吸引力的一线城市。 Shanghai s...

  • commercial remote-sensing satellite 商业遥感卫星

    16-01-29 China launched Jilin-1, the country's first commercial remote-sensing satellites , on Wednesday at noon, marking an important step in the development of remote-sensing space technology. 7日中午,我国成功将首个商业遥感卫星吉林一号发射升空,标志着我国...

  • 中华人民共和国民法通则 6

    15-09-08 第二章 公民(自然人) 第四节 个体工商户、农村承包经营户 Section 4 Individual Businesses and Leaseholding Farm Households 第二十六条 公民在法律允许的范围内,依法经核准登记,从事工商业经营的,为个体工商户。个体工商户可以起字号。 Article 26 Individual...

  • cinemad 电影映前广告

    15-02-15 Cinemad is a commercial played before a movie. 电影映前广告就是在电影上映前播放的商业广告。 These days moviegoers get previews of coming attractions, which is actually cinemad, but entertaining enough to get a pass. 现在去影院看电影的人在电影播放前...

  • 开源软件市场促使高质量产品的产生

    11-08-17 A forthcoming paper in Marketing Scienceby Columbia Business School Class of 1967 Associate Professor of Business, Brett Gordon, in collaboration with Vineet Kumar, Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, and Kanna...
