• food coma 食物昏迷

    17-05-10 Youve just finished a big meal, and youre stuffed. Youre thinking of taking a walk or even a stretch before clearing the table, but the thought of just getting out of your chair seems like a challenge. 刚吃了一顿大餐,肚里饱饱的,正想着收拾桌子前散...

  • 舒马赫已“从昏迷中醒来”

    14-06-17 F1 champion Michael Schumacher has left hospital in Grenoble and is no longer in a coma, his family says. F1冠军迈克尔舒马赫已经离开位于格勒诺布尔的医院且不再处于昏迷状态。 The 45-year-old has been transferred to Lausanne university hospital in Swit...

  • food coma 饭气攻心

    14-05-08 Food coma refers to the feeling of listlessness, bordering on sleep, that one feels after eating a large meal, often caused by a rush of blood to the stomach and intestines during food digestion. 饭气攻心指的是在大吃一顿后感到的困倦,通常是因为在食...

  • 舒马赫身体恢复情况“鼓舞人心”

    14-03-12 Injured Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher has been showing small, encouraging signs in his fight for recovery, his family says. F1传奇式赛车手迈克尔舒马赫的家人称,舒马赫在康复的过程中有小的、鼓舞人心的迹象。 We are and remain confident that Micha...

  • Cubicle coma 隔间昏迷症

    11-08-10 Cubicle coma means when you wake up and feel energized but as soon as you enter the work place, a wave of exhaustion runs over you and you have trouble staying awake for the rest of your work day. Amazingly, once you leave the hellish work atmospher...

  • 医学病症词典C(5)

    10-03-12 cisternal puncture Chinese小脑延髓池穿刺 Clarke's cells Chinese克拉克细胞(脊髓背核色素细胞) clasmatodendrosis Chinese星形胶质细胞突破折 clasp knife phenomenon Chinese折刀现象 clasp-knife Chinese折刀样 Claude's hyperkinesis sign Chinese克洛德运动增...

  • 比利时瘫痪男子被误诊昏迷长达23年

    09-11-24 A Belgian man who doctors thought was in a coma for 23 years was conscious all along, it has been revealed. 据透露,一位处于昏迷状态长达23年的比利时男子的主治医师认为,该男子实际上一直都有知觉。 Rom Houben now uses a special keyboard to communicate...
