• 英国女孩倡导添加戴眼镜的表情符号

    22-12-31 Lowri Teenagers, especially, dont really feel represented. Not positively, anyway. If its representation, then its the nerd [emoji], and thats not who we are. Its just we cant see. 洛瑞 戴眼镜的青少年感觉自身的特点没能得到体现,至少没有正面的代表。...

  • with flying colours 成功的喜悦

    22-01-04 短语 with flying colours 的意思是某人表现出色,取得了极好成绩。 例句 My daughter passed her exams with flying colours! Were going out to celebrate tonight. Did John pass his driving test this morning? Yes, he passed with flying colours. 请注意 还 有...

  • 为视力障碍者设计能摸的 “画”

    21-09-14 Art tends to be, by its very nature, a visual medium. A display of colour and light, texture and contrast. 就其本质而言,艺术往往是一种视觉媒介,是对色彩、光线、质地和反差的一种展现。 But galleries like this have long struggled to cater for those wh...

  • a splash of colour 把本来枯燥或沉闷的事情作了美化或改善

    21-09-02 如果某人为某事加了 a splash of colour,意思就是把某个本来枯燥或沉闷的事情作了美化或改善。 例句 Janes red necklace was a splash of colour against her dull work suit. Our new green rug should add a splash of colour to our bedroom. 请注意 短语 with fly...

  • 我穿这件衣服好看吗?

    21-05-30 1. What do you think about this suit? 你觉得这套西装怎么样? 想具体问他人对一件衣服的看法时,可以说:What do you think about/of?在about或of的后面应该加衣物的英文名称。 2. Can I get away with this colour? 我穿这个颜色还过得去吗? 搭配get away with so...

  • 色彩的魅力

    21-02-24 红色对你来说意味着什么?那么紫色、黑色和绿色分别带有什么象征意义呢?哪个颜色会给人一种可靠的感觉?在设计师与市场营销人员竖立品牌形象时,颜色起着非常重要的作用。 Take five colours: red, black, blue, green and purple. How do they make you feel? Its a...

  • 英国女王伊丽莎白二世的马匹

    20-10-11 Preparing to get back on parade. For the equine stars of Trooping the Colour, training is underway once again. 准备接受检阅。即将参加皇家军队阅兵仪式的马队,训练再次开始。 When the horses come back from grass, its like theyve been sat on a beach for...

  • 每个人看到的颜色都一样吗?

    20-09-01 Have you ever wondered if you see the same colours as other people? Most people know what blue is when they see it. Its the colour of sea, sky and sapphires. They see the colour and call it blue because they were taught the word and associated it wi...

  • 彩色视觉可帮助鸟类更好地觅食

    16-06-17 The researchers have established that chickens - just like people - have colour constancy. For birds, this means that they, in different environments and under different lighting conditions, recognise the colour of, for instance, berries and can the...

  • 猫咪的毛色与其攻击性多强有关

    15-10-28 Is your puss a bit catty, the sort to scratch and hiss when handled? 你的猫是不是有点凶,摸一下就又挠又叫? Then it's likely to be black and white, grey and white or tortoiseshell, say veterinary scientists who believe a cat's fur colour is linked t...