• take a shine to someone 立刻喜欢上某人

    22-12-01 表达 take a shine to someone 的意思是 很快对某人产生好感,喜欢上了某人。人们用它突出表达 尽管可能刚认识,但立刻喜欢上了某人。 例句 Xu Zhe has taken a shine to my friend Freya since they met last time. 自从上次见面后,徐哲就对我朋友芙蕾雅产生了好感。...

  • 点咖啡的必备词汇

    22-11-10 在咖啡馆会朋友,品咖啡是度过闲暇时光的决佳选择之一。不过你知道如何用正确的英语表达在咖啡馆里点咖啡吗?咖啡馆里的服务员是waiter/waitress吗? 1. When you arrive at the coffee shop, what do we call the job of the man or woman who makes the drinks? a) b...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 6

    22-09-14 Peter Clemenza slept badly that night. In the morning he got up early and made his own breakfast of a glass of grappa, a thick slice of Genoa salami with a chunk of fresh Italian bread that was still delivered to his door as in the old days. Then he...

  • 20种走路姿态

    22-08-17 1. The drunkard staggered(蹒跚) from the coffee shop and clung to a lamp-post. 2. The hitch-hikers reached the town after a long walk and plodded(迈着艰难的脚步行走;跋涉) wearily to the hotel. 3. The man whose wife was expecting the first baby was...

  • 怎样礼貌表达一些要求或者态度

    22-08-11 1. Can you pass me...? VS Give me... 人们不喜欢别人支配他们去做事情,因此有时想直接得到你想要的可不是那么简单。换掉那些听起来是命令的语句,例如将Give me the newspaper换成Can you pass me the newspaper? 2. Could you give me five minutes? VS Go away....

  • 算我一个

    22-06-09 1. Count (someone) in Count 大家知道有计算的意思,count (someone)in 意思就是算上某人。看到别人兴高采烈的一群人狂欢,如果你也想加入,就大喊一句Count me in吧! 例:Do you want to go to the beach with us? 想跟我们一起去海边么? Yes! Count me in! 想!算...

  • 广州一家中医药咖啡馆大受欢迎

    22-06-07 在许多人眼里,中医与咖啡毫不相关,但在广州一家咖啡馆却把两者合二为一,颇受客人认可。当归味独领风骚的当归雪糕、芝麻香伴着何首乌药材味的雪糕、一听名字就被吸引的酒香冰滴咖啡、口感清冽纯粹的冰粹奶香金萱 来自台湾的蔡曦庆和苏韵雅二人相识于广州中医药大学。...

  • 20个地道英语表达 4

    22-05-27 16. Sure/Of course 当时初中学英语的时候记得这两个词经常一起出现,表达当然,一直模模糊糊地认为他们是一个意思,后来慢慢地才了解到他们的用法的区别。 Sure一般用来表达欣然同意对方的提议,意为好呀: - Can I give you a call? 我可以给你打电话吗? - Sure! 好...

  • 相对固定的量词搭配——液体

    22-05-26 a teaspoon of medicine 一勺药水 a bowl of soup 一碗汤 a pot of tea 一壶茶 a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 a jug of lemonade 一罐柠檬汁 a carton of juice 一盒果汁 a can of beer 一罐啤酒 a keg of beer 一桶啤酒 a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶 a glass of milk 一杯牛...

  • 忙碌之余享受一杯茶或咖啡

    22-05-18 你喜欢喝茶还是喝咖啡?茶和咖啡都是广受欢迎的提神饮品,一些科学家认为,在适量饮用的前提下,这两种饮品也许对健康有益。哪种才是饮料界的冠军? Lets face it most of us cant resist a cup of tea or coffee sometimes. Theyre a perfect pick-me-up and comforte...