• 各地要落实“健康码”信息互认机制

    20-12-12 All regional authorities should implement regulations and mechanism for mutual recognition of health codes in order to facilitate travel and cross-provincial mobility and achieve universal recognition of health codes nationwide, stressed the circula...

  • 人们最常用密码仍是1234

    13-08-11 Despite a rise in credit card fraud, the most commonly-used PIN is still 1234, with 1111 and 0000 coming in second and third. 科技顾问公司数据基因在对340万个四位密码进行研究后指出,1234仍是人们最常使用的密码组合,比例接近11%。 Research has revealed...

  • 英国机构退出二维码墓碑

    12-09-17 在科技发达的今天,连墓碑也可以智能化了。英国一家丧葬机构推出一款配有二维码的墓碑,对逝者身份感兴趣的吊唁者只要用智能手机扫描二维码,手机屏幕上就会出现一个关于逝者生平、照片、视频以及亲友悼词的网页。 A funeral home in Britain is attaching tiny digita...
