• Europe Cold Snap 欧洲的寒流

    23-01-29 目前中欧和东欧持续的寒流已经导致100多人死亡。有些国家动用了军队来帮助那些被困于大雪中的人们。政府还设立了临时住所帮助无家可归者。 Most of the deaths have occurred in Poland and Ukraine, where sixty-five mainly homeless people have died from exposure...

  • 我国规模最大煤基乙醇项目在榆林建成

    22-07-08 我国规模最大的50万吨/年煤基乙醇项目6月30日在陕西榆林榆神工业区建成中交,标志着项目进入试车阶段。该项目缓解我国燃料乙醇对粮食依赖的同时,每年还可转化低阶煤150万吨,有效弥补了我国石油资源不足,对保障国家能源安全和粮食安全具有重要战略意义。 Chinas larg...

  • 修复苏格兰盐沼

    22-03-30 Digging into a changing environment. 他们正在这个不断变化的环境中挖土。 In an area thats surrounded by Scotlands coal mining past and its industrial present, theres a transformation happening beneath our feet. 环顾四周,依稀可见苏格兰昔日开采煤矿的...

  • 国家电网回应部分地区拉闸限电

    21-09-29 近期,包括辽宁、吉林、广东等地出现电力供需形势紧张,一些地区采取了有序用电、拉闸限电等举措。 Measures to reduce electricity use in factories are currently being enforced in 10 provincial-level regions, including the economic powerhouses of Jiangsu,...

  • 中国科学家发现亚洲最古老的化石森林

    19-08-09 Chinese scientists discovered the oldest fossil forest in Asia, lending more clues to how those ancient plants evolved to become coal finally. 中国科学家在亚洲发现了最古老的化石森林,为古代植被最终如何变成煤炭提供了更多线索。 The study published on...

  • 烧煤不再是北京PM2.5主要原因

    18-05-15 Coal burning is no longer a major source of PM2.5 in Beijing, while car emissions have become the top cause, according to a study released by Beijings environment watchdog Monday. 北京环境监测机构周一的一份研究指出,烧煤不再是北京PM2.5的主要来源,汽...

  • 北京450村将淘汰用煤

    18-03-29 Beijings rural work authorities said Wednesday that the capital city will phase out coal use in all villages in the plain areas by the end of 2018. 北京农村工作部门周三表示,2018年底之前北京市内所有的农村将逐步淘汰煤的使用。 Households in 450 villag...

  • 中国最长的运煤铁路已开始铺轨

    18-03-19 Track laying started on Saturday for the Inner Mongolia-Jiangxi Railway, Chinas longest heavy haul railway line, according to a report by China Youth Online. 中青在线的一份报告显示,中国最长的重载铁路内蒙古-江西铁路铺轨工作已于周六展开。 The new rai...

  • 习近平:使用清洁能源以减少雾霾

    16-12-22 Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday that the countrys north should promote the use of clean energy in winter heating with a view to reducing the number of smoggy days. 中国国家主席习近平周三表示,北方地区冬季取暖时应促进清洁能源的使用以达到...