• 2016北京计划使PM2.5指数降低5%

    16-03-02 Municipal authorities in Beijing have come up with a new strategy to try to reduce PM2.5 density by 5-percent this year. 北京市政府提出一项新策略,2016年尽力使PM2.5指数降低5%。 In outlining the plan, deputy head of the Beijing Environmental Protecti...

  • 省一半的煤

    14-05-07 A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half of the coal she was burning. She was very excited, and said: That'll be terrific! Since one stove can save half of the coal, if I buy two, no coal will be needed...

  • The Old Man Made Young Again

    13-07-17 IN the time when our Lord still walked this earth, he and St. Peter stopped one evening at a smith's and received free quarters(住处) . Then it came to pass that a poor beggar, hardly pressed by age and infirmity(虚弱,疾病) , came to this house...

  • mine flood 煤矿透水

    13-01-14 Two officials who are being held responsible for a coal mine flood that left nine people dead and five others missing in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province have been removed from their posts, authorities said Thursday. 黑龙江省鹤岗市2日发生煤矿...

  • 冷却的煤烟对环境的危害减少

    12-08-28 Refrigerating coal-plant emissions would reduce levels of dangerous chemicals that pour into the air -- including carbon dioxide by more than 90 percent -- at a cost of 25 percent efficiency, according to a simple math-driven formula designed by a t...

  • 地下盐碱含水层能储存CO2

    12-03-21 A new study by researchers at MIT shows that there is enough capacity in deep saline aquifers(盐碱含水层) in the United States to store at least a century's worth of carbon dioxide emissions from the nation's coal-fired powerplants. Though questio...

  • 新西兰为遇难矿工举行追悼会

    10-12-02 More than 10,000 people have attended a memorial service for the 29 miners killed in a New Zealand coal mine. 一万多新西兰民众参加了矿难中丧生的29名矿工的追悼会。 Mourners around the country observed two minutes' silence for the dead. The memorial s...

  • 煤灰对生态环境的影响

    10-11-30 As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency weighs whether to define coal ash as hazardous waste(有害垃圾) , a Duke University study identifies new monitoring protocols and insights that can help investigators more accurately measure and predict t...

  • 新西兰将成立矿难调查委员会

    10-11-29 The New Zealand cabinet has agreed to open a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Pike River mining disaster in which 29 miners died. 新西兰内阁同意成立一个皇家调查委员会对派可河矿难进行调查。 Fires in the Pike River mine could delay the recovery of...

  • 09-11-22 At least 87 people are now known to have died in a coal mine blast in northern China, state media report. 中国北部某煤矿发生爆炸事故,目前已知至少87人丧生。 Another 21 miners are reportedly still missing in the Xinxing pit(深坑,矿井) in Hegang Ci...