• 穿着暴露的照片可提高面试几率

    16-07-05 New research suggests that female applicants who included a photo of themselves in revealing clothing were five times more likely to secure an interview. 最新研究表明,女性求职者如果在简历中附上一张穿着暴露服装的照片,获得面试的几率会高出五倍。 The...

  • 新款服装可让名人摆脱狗仔偷拍

    15-01-19 Celebrities may finally have a way to ward off unwanted street photographers' roving camera lenses once and for all thanks to a clever new clothing collection which is designed to ruin any images taken using flash photography. 一款最新的服装系列或许...

  • 美国蒙大拿州新着装规范引女议员不满

    14-12-14 A new dress code for the Montana House of Representatives that bans jeans and warns women to watch skirt lengths and necklines has drawn the ire of female lawmakers, who say it suggests they cannot independently decide what attire is appropriate. 美...

  • 金融危机促使中东欧二手服装店生意兴隆

    14-11-10 The global financial crisis hit hard in central and eastern Europe, but one industry has thrived: second-hand clothing stores. 全球金融危机重创了中欧和东欧,但二手服装店的生意却兴隆起来。 While in western Europe the squeeze on household finances pro...

  • 衬衫夫人的回忆

    14-06-30 Mrs. Blouse had been with the Johnson family for three generations. This was no mean feat for an article of clothing. She had survived the test of time; and though her colors were faded and her material worn thin, she was still loved through and thr...

  • tag hag 标签女

    14-05-21 Tag hag is a woman who will only wear clothing that is hideously expensive and bears the 'right' tag or label in the belief that she (it is mostly she) is a better person for doing so. 标签女指的是只穿那些贵得令人咋舌的衣服,只认准名牌标签的女人。她...

  • wardrobe malfunction 走光

    13-04-07 Wardrobe malfunction is first used by singer Justin Timberlake in 2004 to explain the incident during Super Bowl XXXVIII in which Janet Jackson's right breast was bared. Wardrobe malfunction在2004年第38届超级碗比赛中歌手贾斯汀汀布莱克就珍妮杰克逊右...

  • Vanity sizing 虚荣尺寸

    12-09-18 Vanity sizing , also known as size inflation, is used to refer to the phenomenon of ready-to-wear clothing of the same nominal size becoming larger over time. 虚荣尺寸(vanity sizing),也叫做尺寸膨胀,指随着时代的发展,各类成衣制品在尺寸号码不变的...

  • Off-season shopping 反季淘

    12-08-22 Off-season shopping describes purchasing winter clothing in summer or the other way around to save money in big off-season discounts. 反季淘指的是为了省钱而在反季大减价的时候购买衣服,在夏季买冬衣或在冬季买夏装。 The best time to buy clothing is whe...

  • size zero 零号身材

    11-02-16 Regarded as the minimum size in US clothing, size zero now refers to those unbelievably skinny people (especially women),or trends associated with them. The super skinny style sprung up on fashion industry runways and later was adopted by a world o...