• 加拿大亚伯达省南部鱼类发生性别偏移

    10-07-30 Chemicals present in two rivers in southern Alberta are likely the cause of the feminization(女性化,雌性化) of fish say researchers at the University of Calgary who have published results of their study in the journal Environmental Toxicology and...

  • 全球变暖使非洲猿生存艰难

    10-07-23 A study on the effect of global warming on African ape(猿) survival suggests that a warming climate may cause apes to run 'out of time'. The research, published today in Journal of Biogeography, reveals that rising temperatures and changes in rain...

  • 环境变化成为健康问题会引发更多关注

    10-07-20 Framing climate change as a public health problem seems to make the issue more relevant, significant and understandable to members of the publiceven some who don't generally believe climate change is happening, according to preliminary research by G...

  • 奥巴马演讲 President Obama & Indonesian President

    10-07-05 PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good morning, everybody. Selamat pagi(早安) . It is wonderful once again to see my good friend, the President of Indonesia, and members of his delegation. I obviously have enjoyed our interactions(交互) here, although my hope an...

  • 氮气可影响植物的光合作用

    10-07-01 As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise, so does the pressure on the plant kingdom. The hope among policymakers, scientists and concerned citizens is that plants will absorb some of the extra CO2 and mitigate(减轻,缓和) the impacts of climate c...

  • 人为全球变暖始于史前猎人

    10-07-01 Even before the dawn of agriculture, people may have caused the planet to warm up, a new study suggests. Mammoths(猛犸象) used to roam modern-day Russia and North America, but are now extinctand there's evidence that around 15,000 years ago, early...

  • 科学家开始试验全球变暖对冻土层的影响

    10-06-27 Scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory are planning a large-scale, long-term ecosystem experiment to test the effects of global warming on the icy layers of arctic permafrost(永久冻土) . While ORNL researchers have...

  • non-binding accord 无约束力协议

    10-06-25 哥本哈根气候峰会仅达成了一项无约束力的《哥本哈根协议》,参加大会的国家没有就2012年后的全球减排行动、资金技术支持等问题达成共识。 请看新华社的报道: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Monday the country played an important and constructive role in pushi...

  • 二氧化碳对全球气候形成起主导作用

    10-06-18 Increasingly, the Earth's climate appears to be more connected than anyone would have imagined. El Nio, the weather pattern that originates in a patch(斑点,碎片) of the equatorial(赤道的) Pacific, can spawn(酿成,造成) heat waves and droughts...

  • The Climate of New Zealand 新西兰的气候

    10-06-17 The Climate of New Zealand Teacher: Matthew, what is the climate of New Zealand? Matthew: Very Cold, sir. Teacher: Wrong. Matthew: But, sir! When they send us meat it always arrives frozen! 新西兰的气候 老师:马修,新西兰的气候怎么样? 马修:先生,...