• 气候变化导致千屈菜向北“迁移”

    10-02-27 The flowering plant(开花植物) - purple loosestrife(千屈菜) - has been heading north since it was first introduced from Europe to the eastern seaboard 150 years ago. This exotic(外来的,异国的) invader chokes out native species and has dramatic...

  • 早来的春天会使自然界失去协调吗?

    10-02-10 The recent trend towards earlier UK springs and summers has been accelerating, according to a study published today (9 February 2010) in the scientific journal Global Change Biology. The collaborative(合作的,协作的) study, involving scientists fr...

  • 利用卫星监测地球冰川融化情况

    10-02-02 The intense public debate on how rapidly the Himalayan喜马拉雅山脉的 glaciers冰川 are retreating highlights the necessity for the constant monitoring of glaciers worldwide by satellites. Since glaciers are among the most reliable indicators指示器 of...

  • Educate to Innovate:High School Robotics

    10-01-16 On Wednesday, the President honored math and science educators at the White House and announced several new partnerships and programs in a continuation of the Educate to Innovate campaign, an initiative designed to energize and excite Americas stude...

  • 专家:寒潮和全球变暖不矛盾

    10-01-16 Beijing had its coldest morning in almost 40 years and its biggest snowfall since 1951. Britain is suffering through its longest cold snap since 1981. And freezing weather is gripping the Deep South, including Florida's orange groves and beaches. 北...

  • 哥本哈根气候峰会收效“惨淡”

    09-12-26 当地时间12月19日,联合国气候大会在丹麦首都哥本哈根落下帷幕,此次会议并未签署任何具有法律效力的文件,而只是就一些谈判要点达成了一份临时协议,与会议预先设定的目标大相径庭。联合国秘书长潘基文表示,哥本哈根协议可能并不是大家期望看到的一个结果,但这份协...

  • 中国、印尼对哥本哈根气候协议表示欢迎

    09-12-21 Asian giants China and Indonesia have hailed the Copenhagen UN climate summit outcome, despite its cool reception from aid agencies and campaigners. 亚洲大国中国和印尼对哥本哈根联合国气候峰会结果表示满意,尽管某些援助机构和环境保护者对此表示冷淡。 A...

  • 联合国气候峰会协议即将达成

    09-12-18 A deal at the UN climate summit looks more likely following a frantic day of behind the scenes diplomacy. 联合国气候峰会在经历了幕后外交手段的混乱的一天之后,很可能达成某项协议。 He Yafei says China is willing to engage on emissions monitoring China...

  • 哥本哈根环境会谈耽搁数小时后继续

    09-12-17 Formal negotiations have reopened at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen after a delay of nine hours. 哥本哈根联合国环境峰会正式磋商在耽搁九小时之后重新开启。 Police used batons, pepper spray and tear gas against protesters The hold-up停顿,耽搁 was...

  • 哥本哈根环境会议探讨气候变化

    09-12-16 Environment ministers are holding talks at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen amid threats of large-scale protests by environmental groups. 哥本哈根举行的联合国环境会议上,各国环境部长主持讨论了由环境保护组织提出的大规模环境威胁。 Activists hav...