• a ray of sunshine 一缕阳光

    21-08-13 A ray of sunshine 用于形容某人或事在艰苦、困难的情况下给他人带来欢乐和希望,就像一缕阳光。 例句 After failing both my exams, going to see my mum has provided a ray of sunshine. Its been a really terrible few days, but hes been like a ray of sunshine...

  • to eat your words 承认自己说错了话

    21-06-29 俗话说说出去的话,泼出去的水,人们用这个说法比喻说出去的话就像泼出去的水一样难以收回。在英语里,如果某人说错了话,想收回去,那么就可以形象地用eat your words 吃掉说出的话来承认自己说错了话。 例句 I used to think that Louise was mean, but I had to eat...

  • 坐过山车的刺激和狂叫

    21-03-10 Do you scream on a roller coaster ride? You slowly climb up a steep slope until an almost vertical drop, and then... Ahhhhhhhh! Thrill-seekers like me are in luck because theme parks are pushing the boundaries of technology to create the fastest, ta...

  • 优步泄露男子出轨行踪遭起诉

    17-02-20 A businessman in southern France is suing ride-hailing company Uber over his wifes discovery of rides he took to see his lover, his lawyer said. 法国南部一名商人的律师表示,其客户将向法庭起诉叫车公司优步,因为优步的应用程序导致他的太太发现了他和情人...

  • professional snuggler 职业陪睡师

    15-12-28 The joy of sleeping with a beautiful partner -- and we mean the sleeping part -- is something many of us don't get to experience on a regular enough basis. 和漂亮的伴侣共眠的乐趣指的是睡觉本身,并不是我们多数人可以常常经历的。 But what about the lad...

  • onboarding 适职,熟悉产品

    15-11-18 Onboarding refers to the action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization or familiarizing a new customer or client with one's products or services. Onboarding(适职/熟悉产品)是指让新员工融入公司组织的行为或让新顾客和新客户熟悉...

  • 法律英语:Lawyer 律师

    14-11-25 A lawyer shall not represent both parties involved in the same case. 律师不得在同一案件中,为双方当事人担任代理。 A lawyer should assist in maintaining the integrity and competence of the legal profession. 律师应该帮助维护律师界的正直和业务能力。 A...

  • How much English can you speak?

    14-05-19 Your Honor, I want to bring to your attention how unfair it is for my client to be accused of theft. He arrived in New York City a week ago and barely knew his way around. What's more, he only speaks a few words of English. The judge looked at the d...

  • 《惊杀大阴谋》一

    13-01-09 片段对白 Frederick Aiken: Sir. Reverdy Johnson: Well, nice of you to show, Mr. Aiken. Frederick Aiken: I'm sorry for being late, Senator. Reverdy Johnson: You aware the trial of the conspirators begins today? Frederick Aiken: Yes, sir. There's not a...

  • Good News and Bad News

    10-10-26 There's good news and bad news, the divorce lawyer told his client. I could sure use some good news, sighed the client. What's it? Your wife isn't demanding that your future inheritances(遗产,继承) be included in the settlement. And the bad news?...