• seeing is believing 眼见为实

    22-05-20 习语 seeing is believing 的意思是 需要亲眼看到一件事情,而不只是道听途说,才能接受或相信这件事情是真的,也就是 耳听为虚,眼见为实。 例句 My boyfriend says hell turn up at the cinema on time, but seeing is believing! 我男朋友说他会按时到电影院,但眼...

  • to be seeing someone 和某人约会交往

    21-04-28 搭配 to be seeing someone 的意思并不是 看着某个人,而是 正在和某人谈恋爱,交往。它既可用于形容和特定的一个人交往、约会的早期阶段,也可用于描述两个人谈恋爱的状态,也就是说,to be seeing someone 的时间可长可短。 例句 A: I saw you with Natalia at the c...

  • check out 去看看

    21-04-26 动词短语 check out 在单独使用时,意思是 办理退房、出院手续。 但在口语会话中,它可以和句子中的宾语搭配使用,组成 check something out 或 check out something 的结构,意思是 去看看、去了解一下,表示到一个从没去过的地点看看或去了解一个新事物的情况。 例句...

  • 电影院礼仪

    21-03-09 For me, one of the greatest pleasures in life is going to watch a great film - or movie - at the cinema. Its a chance for escapism - getting away from real life. Theres nothing better than being engrossed in a story unless, of course, someone decide...

  • 《Inglourious Basterds》无耻混蛋

    20-11-28 Inglourious Basterds is a 2009 war film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and starring Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Mlanie Laurent, Michael Fassbender and Eli Roth. The film tells the fictional alternate history story of two plots to assassin...

  • 上合组织电影节本周日在青岛举办

    18-06-13 The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) film festival is scheduled to be held in Qingdao, east Chinas Shandong Province from Wednesday to Sunday. 上海合作组织电影节将于本周日在青岛举办。 This event, co-hosted by the State Film Administration and...

  • 印度新规:电影院播放电影前要演奏国歌

    16-12-08 Indias supreme court has ruled that the national anthem must be played in every cinema before a film is screened. 印度最高法院规定,所有电影院都要在播放电影之前演奏国歌。 Judges said the order should be enforced within 10 days and audiences must sta...

  • 戛纳电影节九个主要单元

    16-08-22 Comptition (In Competition) 主竞赛单元 主竞赛单元是戛纳电影节的主要活动,在该环节展映的影片将角逐电影节各类奖项,其中的最高荣誉金棕榈奖(Palme dOr, Golden Palm)能为获奖影片带来可观的票房收入和全球关注及发行渠道。该单元一般只接受叙事类影片,不过偶尔...

  • 万达公布2016上映的新影片

    16-06-14 The Wanda Cinema Line has recently released some 30 films that are going to be available in Chinese cinemas later this year. 万达院线近期公布了今年晚些时候将要上映的30部电影。 A total of nine films are Hollywood titles. Greg Foster is the CEO of IMA...