• 约翰·保罗二世和若望二十三世晋封基督教圣徒

    14-04-28 Tens of thousands of people have gathered across Latin America to celebrate the canonisation of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII. 拉丁美洲 成千上万人汇集到一起庆祝教皇约翰保罗二世和若望二十三世成为基督教圣徒。 They were declared saints by Pope Fran...

  • 教皇弗朗西斯将任命19名红衣主教

    14-01-14 Pope Francis is to appoint 19 new cardinals next month, including churchmen from Haiti and Burkina Faso. 教皇弗朗西斯将于下个月任命19名红衣主教,其中包括来自海地和布基纳法索的牧师们。 Cardinals, who wear red hats and robes(长袍,礼服) , are the mo...

  • 理查德三世墓地附近出土一口棺中棺

    13-07-30 Archaeologists have unearthed a mysterious coffin-within-a-coffin near the final resting place of Richard III. The University of Leicester team lifted the lid of a medieval(中世纪的) stone coffin this week -- the final week of their second dig at...

  • The Heavenly Wedding

    13-03-22 A poor peasant-boy one day heard the priest say in church that whosoever desired to enter into the kingdom of heaven must always go straight onward. So he set out, and walked continually straight onwards over hill and valley without ever turning asi...

  • 英国牧师购卡拉OK代替唱诗班

    13-02-03 Vicars are buying karaoke-like machines to play music during their services to solve the difficulty of finding an organist. 为解决琴手难招这一问题,英国牧师开始购买卡拉OK等设备,用来在礼拜仪式上演奏。 The 'electronic hymnals' have a vast repertoire...

  • 非洲圣公会推选出首位女主教

    12-11-21 The Anglican Church of Southern Africa has consecrated its first woman bishop in Africa. 非洲南部圣公会教堂推选出非洲历史上首位女主教。 Ellinah Wamukoya said she would 'represent the mother attribute of God' Ellinah Wamukoya, 61, will serve as the c...

  • God, God

    12-11-07 God, God Fleda Brown We dressed for church. I had a white hat and white gloves when I was fifteen, no joke. You had to do that to show God you cared. God's eyes were stained glass, and his voice was pipe organ(管风琴) . He was immortal, invisible,...

  • Your Halo Is Too Tight 光圈太紧了

    12-10-26 A pious(虔诚的) believer was very serious in his spiritual cultivation. He went to church every Sunday and never missed a ceremony or a baptism(洗礼) . One day, he went to see the doctor. The doctor checked his pulse and gave him a thorough medi...

  • 尼日利亚某教堂遭炸弹袭击

    12-09-24 A suicide bomber has attacked a church in Bauchi, northern Nigeria, killing at least two people and injuring 48, according to the Red Cross. 尼日利亚北部包奇州一座教堂遭自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少两人死亡、48人受伤。 Police said the bomber's car was st...

  • 埃塞俄比亚正教会主教逝世

    12-08-17 The head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Abune Paulos, has died aged 76, the government has announced. 埃塞俄比亚正教会首领Abune Paulos辞世,享年76岁。 Abune Paulos was once exiled in the US The foreign ministry said he had been receiving treatmen...