• 《海洋奇缘》第11章

    22-12-21 Maui made scaling the vertical cliff look simple as he climbed higher and higher. Before long, two hands appeared next to him, straining to keep pace. Maui rolled his eyes when he saw Moana but wasnt surprised that she had followed him. Moana breath...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 61

    22-07-21 He saw her then every day. He began going to lunch at the shop, but Mildred stopped him: she said it made the girls talk; so he had to content himself with tea; but he always waited about to walk with her to the station; and once or twice a week the...

  • 人生的四季各有滋味

    21-10-24 up my bigger dog, Fluffy to walk first. 我决定穿夹克衫。我拉好拉链,我决定先带我的大狗Fluffy出去溜一圈,给它拴上了绳子。 I opened the door and stepped outside. Instantly I knew I had made the wrong choice. 我打开门,走到门外。很快我就明白自己做出了...

  • 6本黑帮小说

    21-08-30 1. The Godfather by Mario Puzo 马里奥普佐的《教父》 An obvious choice, perhaps, but a reflection of how seminal it is to the genre. Francis Ford Coppolas film adaptation is regarded as one of the greatest of all time, but the book is a classic in it...

  • to come down to the wire 直到最后一刻才见分晓

    21-06-25 表达 to come down to the wire 可用来形容直到最后一刻才开始做某事;在比赛或竞争的语境中,它可以用来表达结果到最后一刻才会揭晓。据说,这个表达源于赛马。在电子计时和监控被采用前,裁判会在比赛的终点拉一根绳子以便判断最先冲过终点的赛马。由此一来,比赛解...

  • as a final option 万不得已

    21-01-27 万不得已,汉语成语,意思是表示无可奈何,不得不如此。可以翻译为have no other choice but,out of absolute necessity。与英文惯用语as a last resort意思相近,表示as a final option, usually when preferable ones have failed。 例句: 这是一个万不得已的办法...

  • choice anxiety 选择焦虑症

    20-08-31 Choice anxiety is induced by the need to choose between similar options and is increasingly being recognized as a problem for individuals. 当你面临太多相似的选择,无法决定的时候产生的焦虑感就叫选择焦虑(choice anxiety),现在越来越多的人有这种困扰,...

  • 北京仍是求职者的第一选择

    16-12-22 Despite the choking smog, Beijing is still the number one choice for graduate job seekers based on its soft environment, according to a report published on December 20. 12月20日发布的一份报告显示,尽管有令人窒息的雾霾,基于其软环境,北京仍是毕业生求...

  • choice anxiety 选择焦虑

    16-06-05 Choice anxiety is induced by the need to choose between similar options and is increasingly being recognized as a problem for individuals. 当你面临太多相似的选择,无法决定的时候产生的焦虑感就叫选择焦虑(choice anxiety),现在越来越多的人有这种困扰,...