• 讲英语时如何听起来更客气

    21-09-17 首先来说明一下,平时,在用英语和熟人或者朋友对话的时候,我们往往会更随意一些。由于这位网友的问题中提到了 怎样委婉地用英语点菜,所以,下面我们就通过举一些在吃饭时常能用到的例句,来教大家怎样更礼貌地说英语,这些句型通常也可以用在其它语境和场景中。 先...

  • as good as a chocolate teapot 无用的

    21-07-30 as good as a chocolate teapot 无用的 Something that is completely useless. 例句: Your plan is as good as a chocolate teapot. 你的方案没有一点用。 Im not taking your advice again, which was as good as a chocolate teapot. 我不会再接受你的建议了,那简...

  • 关于食品安全的10个知识 上

    21-01-28 1. Chocolate with white or grayish film is fine to eat 结了白色或灰色膜的巧克力也能吃 While white or grayish film formed on the surface of chocolate might not look very appetizing, turns out its perfectly fine to eat. The process occurs when cocoa b...

  • dark chocolate 黑巧克力

    20-10-13 很多人会把黑巧克力说成black chocolate,但这是不对的哦~巧克力不是按颜色分,是按种类分的呀! 因为如果按颜色来分的话,甜甜的牛奶巧克力也有黑色的,那岂不是乱套了? 所以黑巧克力的英文应该是dark chocolate,以后可不能说错了哦~ 举个例子: Both dark chocolat...

  • 黑巧克力或许能降低患抑郁症的风险

    19-08-20 Scientists have found that eating dark chocolate appears to lower the risk of depression by four fold. 科学家发现,吃黑巧克力或能将患抑郁症的风险降低四分之三。 While 7.6 percent of the 13,000 people surveyed reported depressive symptoms, just 1.5 pe...

  • 复活节为什么要吃巧克力兔?

    19-04-20 As far as holidays go, Easter is second only to Halloween in American candy sales - thats a lot of chocolate bunnies. 就节假日而言,复活节的糖果销量在美国仅次于万圣节:其中有很多是巧克力兔。 Easter - the most spiritually significant holiday of the C...

  • 波兰高速上液体巧克力洒落

    18-05-10 A tractor-trailer has overturned on a Polish highway, spilling tons of liquid chocolate that are solidifying into a huge sticky mess. 一辆牵引式挂车在波兰某高速上翻车,数吨液体巧克力洒落并凝固,现场一片黏糊混乱。 The private broadcaster TVN24 showed...

  • chocoholic 巧克力狂

    17-06-02 A chocoholic is a person who craves or compulsively consumes chocolate. 巧克力狂指的是吃巧克力上瘾的人。 For chocoholics, little can be done to restrain their cravings. 对巧克力狂来说,想吃巧克力的冲动总是无法控制。 There is some medical evidence to...

  • 亿滋国际招募专业巧克力试吃员

    17-02-13 One of the worlds leading chocolate brands is looking for a professional chocolate taster, who can provide honest feedback on their products. 世界顶级巧克力品牌正在寻找一名专业巧克力试吃员,为他们的产品提供忠实的反...

  • 巧克力中含有可提高性欲的激素

    17-02-06 A hormone found in chocolate could be the mental Viagra that helps to get couples in the mood for sex. 在巧克力中发现一种堪称精神伟哥的激素,可以让爱侣们性欲大增。 Kisspeptin, which is found in chocolate, is the hormone in the brain which kickstarts...