• 孕妇抑郁对胎儿的影响

    10-12-10 The cocktail of hormones cascading(串联,传递信息) through depressed mothers' bodies may play an important role in the development of their unborn children's brains. A higher level of depression in mothers during pregnancy was associated with high...

  • 父母对孩子的饮食习惯影响有限

    10-12-09 As primary caregivers, parents are often believed to have a strong influence on children's eating behaviors. However, previous findings on parent-child resemblance(相似) in dietary intakes are mixed. Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sc...

  • 二手烟可增加儿童患脑膜炎风险

    10-12-08 Second-hand smoke increases risk of invasive meningococcal(脑膜炎球菌的) disease in children. Children exposed to second-hand smoke are more likely to get invasive meningococcal disease than children who are not exposed, reports a study from Chien...

  • 二手烟致全球每年约60万人死亡

    10-12-05 Around one in a hundred deaths worldwide is due to passive smoking, which kills an estimated 600,000 people a year, World Health Organization (WHO) researchers said on Friday. 世界卫生组织的研究人员周五称,全球每100例死亡中就有1例是死于被动吸烟,每...

  • 上课嚼口香糖能提高成绩?

    10-12-04 德国南部的一所小学鼓励学生上课嚼口香糖,表示嚼口香糖有助于孩子健康的同时还能提高他们的成绩。 A Bavarian primary school is encouraging pupils to chew gum in class in an attempt to improve their grades. Wolfgang Ellegast from the Education Ministry in...

  • 大豆中某天然物质可能治疗儿童遗传疾病

    10-12-03 Scientists from The University of Manchester say a naturally occurring chemical found in soy(大豆,酱油) could prove to be an effective new treatment for a fatal genetic disease that affects children. Dr Brian Bigger, from the University's MPS Ste...

  • 生物多样性丧失的生态效应被低估

    10-12-01 The risk of dying from a heat wave is highest when heat waves occur early in the summer and are hotter and longer than usual, according to a Yale study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). During the first heat wave of a...

  • 环境温度每上升5°C 儿童重伤住院率提高10%

    10-11-29 Every 5C rise in maximum temperature pushes up the rate of hospital admissions for serious injuries among children, reveals one of the largest studies of its kind published online in Emergency Medicine Journal. Conversely(相反地) , each 5 C drop i...

  • 北约官员:喀布尔的儿童比在西方城市更安全

    10-11-22 Children may be safer growing up in Kabul than they are in London, Glasgow or New York, a Nato official has said. 一位北约官员称,生活在喀布尔的儿童可能比伦敦、格拉斯哥或者纽约的儿童更安全。 Kabul is a very family orientated society, said Mark Sedwi...

  • 研究:独生子女更幸福

    10-11-21 英国一项最新研究显示,独生子女比有兄弟姐妹的孩子更幸福,而且家庭中手足同胞之间的敌意会对孩子的心理健康产生严重的影响。 Only children are happier than those with brothers or sisters, according to new research which shows sibling rivalry(同胞争宠,手...