• The Dragon Rock 3

    12-06-08 Nothing happened. A dry wind lazily picked up some flower heads and swirled them around. The air was thick with pollen and perfume. A stony grey nostril(鼻孔 ) twitched. I saw something, cried the youngest boy. They stared intently. An ear swivele...

  • The Dragon Rock 1

    12-06-08 This story begins with Once Upon A Time, because the best stories do, of course. So, Once Upon A Time, and imagine if you can, a steep sided valley cluttered with giant, spiky(尖刻的) green pine trees and thick, green grass that reaches to the top...

  • 美式英语对英国儿童影响加大

    12-06-03 The future of written English will owe more to Hollywood films than Dickens or Shakespeare, if the findings of a study into children's writing are anything to go by. 如果一项对儿童作文的研究结果可靠的话,那么比起狄更斯或莎士比亚的影响,书面英语的未...

  • 女性40岁后生的宝宝综合素质更强

    12-06-03 They might be harder to catch and no doubt leave their mothers more exhausted but children born to mums over 40 are healthier and brighter than those of younger women. 也许他们更难被怀上,无疑也会让他们的母亲更加精疲力竭,但是年过40的女性生出的小孩...

  • 爱情非商品

    12-05-24 A reader in Florida, apparently bruised(擦伤) by some personal experience, writes in to complain, If I steal a nickel's worth of merchandise, I am a thief and punished; but if I steal the love of another's wife, I am free. This is a prevalent misc...

  • 英国拟让男性分享产假

    12-05-21 Fathers will be able to share parental leave to care for babies and will have greater access to their children after couples divorce, under government plans. 根据英国政府的计划,英国的父亲们将能共享产假,照看宝宝,离婚后也将获得更多陪伴孩子的机会。...

  • 新手机程序用以追踪失踪儿童

    12-05-14 When a 14-year-old boy from Atlanta, Georgia disappeared earlier this year, his mother turned to her smartphone for clues using an app called Family Tracker that helped track his location. 一个来自美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市的14岁男孩今年早些时候失踪了,...

  • 音乐训练有助于婴儿大脑发育

    12-05-10 After completing the first study of its kind, researchers at McMaster University have discovered that very early musical training benefits children even before they can walk or talk. They found that one-year-old babies who participate in interactive...

  • 尼日尔——母亲境况世界上最差

    12-05-08 The West African state of Niger is the worst place in the world to be a mother, according to Save the Children. 救助儿童会宣布,西非尼日尔是世界上最差的做母亲的地区。 The ranking comes in the charity's annual index which compares conditions for moth...

  • 暴力能在儿童的基因上留下“伤痕”

    12-04-25 Children who have experienced violence might really be older than their years. The DNA of 10-year-olds who experienced violence in their young lives has been found to show wear and tear(磨损) normally associated with aging, a Duke University study...