• 《怪兽大学》第24章

    23-01-20 Out on the quad, Sulley finally caught up with Dean Hardscrabble and quickly explained how hed rigged the simulator. You did what? she asked, unbelieving. My team had nothing to do with it, Sulley said. It was all me ... I cheated. Dean Hardscrabble...

  • 《怪兽大学》第6章

    23-01-18 Mike returned to his dorm room and tacked up his school calendar, right over the Scare Games flyer hed picked up earlier. Then he started planning his studying time for the rest of the semester. But Randy didnt want to think about school. The first...

  • to keep your cards close to your chest 守口如瓶

    22-06-10 to keep your cards close to your chest dont reveal your plans 将牌藏在胸前 - 不泄露自己的计划,守口如瓶 例句: I kept my cards close to my chest during the negotiation. (Card games) 在谈判的过程中,我一直对于自己的底牌守口如瓶。(纸牌游戏)...

  • 美剧里常说的俚语 4

    22-04-26 16 Get something off your chest 说出困扰了你很久的事;承认你做错了某事 I have to get this off my chest I copied your answers on the Redesigned SAT. Thanks for the 15th percentile score, by the way. 我得承认,在入学考试时我抄了你的答案。顺便感谢你让...

  • 10个与身体部位相关的习语

    17-01-23 1. be the bees knees 非常出色,顶尖 Have you tried this ice-cream? Its the bees knees, it really is. 你吃过这种冰激凌吗?这是最好的,真的。 2. live (from) hand to mouth 仅够糊口,勉强度日 My father earned very little and there were four kids, so we...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 19

    15-11-13 The heat was growing worse and worse. April was nearly over, but there was no hope of rain for another three weeks, five weeks it might be. Even the lovely transient dawns were spoiled by the thought of the long, blinding hours to come, when one's h...

  • The Heart Attack

    13-07-11 He was watching TV. It was about 10:45 p.m. All of a sudden, he felt something in his chest. It was a fullness that he had never felt before. The feeling was dull and painless. But it quickly became a very strong chest ache. His chest felt full, sor...
