• 英国80%青少年体内有双酚A

    18-02-22 A plastics chemical linked to reduced fertility in men is in the majority of teenagers, research has found. 研究发现,大多数青少年体内都含有一种与男性生育能力下降有关的塑料化合物。 More than 80 percent of teenagers have traces of the chemical compou...

  • 摩拜单车与美国化工厂合作

    17-05-15 The Chinese bike sharing company, Mobike, is teaming up with a leading US chemical firm to carry out joint research and development into creating more eco-friendly bikes. 中国磨拜单车与美国一家化工企业展开联合研发,以创造更环保的单车。 Its signed a...

  • 土卫六上的化学元素

    16-07-07 NASAs Cassini and Huygens missions have provided a wealth of data about chemical elements found on Saturns moon Titan, and Cornell scientists have uncovered a chemical trail that suggests prebiotic conditions may exist there. Titan, Saturns largest...

  • 无线可穿戴式毒气探测器

    16-07-01 MIT researchers have developed low-cost chemical sensors, made from chemically altered carbon nanotubes, that enable smartphones or other wireless devices to detect trace amounts of toxic gases. Using the sensors, the researchers hope to design ligh...

  • 印尼性侵儿童者将被处死刑或化学阉割

    16-05-31 Child sex abuse is now punishable by death and chemical castration in Indonesia after its president on Wednesday issued a new law following the brutal gang rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl. 印尼总统于上周三发布新法令,性侵儿童者将被处以死刑或化...

  • chemical reaction 化学反应

    16-02-25 Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday that the essence of Chinese and British cultures has brought a fantastic chemical reaction into their own people's way of thinking and lifestyle through people-to-people exchanges. 国家主席习近平22日表示,...

  • 蜜蜂间的化学信号交流远比想象复杂

    15-10-22 Chemical signaling among social insects, such as bees, ants and wasps, is more complex than previously thought, according to researchers at Penn State and Tel Aviv University, whose results refute the idea that a single group of chemicals controls r...

  • 美国官场上的几个官话

    15-04-09 所谓官话,就是在英语中,故意用复杂、夸张的词汇,来代替简单、平易的词汇,以便让人感觉到文章具有某种重要性,从而达到唬人的效果。比如方法和技术这两个意思,原本用method和technique来表达就可以了,而白宫发言人却喜欢用methodology和technology来表达。分析这...

  • 人们握手时会传递化学信号

    15-03-04 Limp or firm, your handshake conveys subliminal social cues. Now, research reveals it also transmits chemical signals that could explain why the greeting evolved in the first place. In the study, published in the journal eLife, scientists from Israe...