• 研究:不漂亮的女性更可能不忠

    18-03-04 A new study suggests it is the less attractive ladies who are responsible for the greatest heartache. 一项新研究指出,最难守住的其实是不漂亮的女人。 When US researchers followed more than 200 married couples for three-and-a-half years, they discover...

  • cheat chain 抄作业链

    16-06-23 When one kid copies answers from a smart kid in class, then another kid copies from him/her, and then someone copies off the kid who copied off the kid who copied from the smart kid, etc. 班里一个孩子抄了好学生的作业,然后,另一个孩子又抄了这个孩子...

  • 经济上依赖配偶的人更易出轨

    15-06-02 Both men and women are more likely to cheat on their spouses the more economically dependent they are on them, according to a new study. You would think that people would not want to 'bite the hand that feeds them' so to speak, but that is not what...

  • 似乎最有可能欺骗感情的名字

    15-05-30 A warning for you if your partner is a Megan or a Nathan - apparently they're the most likely to cheat. 如果你的伴侣叫梅根或者南森,我不得不警告你了似乎他们是最有可能欺骗感情的人。 That's according to an online company which matches married people w...

  • The butcher and his customer

    14-10-08 Two men were buying meat at a butcher's stall in the marketplace, and, while the butcher's back was turned for a moment, one of them snatched up a joint and hastily thrust it under the other's of them snatched up a joint and hastily thrust it under...

  • “且行且珍惜”如何翻译

    14-04-30 咎由自取 I have brought this upon myself. 出轨 Have an affair with another woman Cheat on his wife Cheat with another woman 公开道歉 Public apology 恋爱虽易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜。 Being in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished....

  • 法国男人在欧洲最风流

    14-04-11 Weeks after President Franois Hollande's affair with an actress was revealed, a Europe-wide survey has shown the French are the continents worst philanderers, while British are the least likely to cheat. 法国总统奥朗德与一名女演员的桃色事件被曝光数...

  • 人在下午比上午更爱撒谎

    13-11-03 研究显示,人类的天性就是爱撒谎,而且下午比上午更爱撒谎。哈佛大学研究发现,人类每天下午随着身体逐渐疲惫,自控能力也会下降,更容易不由自主地撒谎。 People are more likely to lie or cheat during the afternoon because self control diminishes(缩小,减少...

  • 创造性的人更可能作弊

    11-11-29 Creative people are more likely to cheat than less creative people, possibly because this talent increases their ability to rationalize their actions, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. Greater creativity help...

  • 父亲可能遗传“出轨”给儿子

    11-07-03 If you want to know if your husband will cheat, you may want to take a close look at your father-in-law. 如果你想知道自己的丈夫会不会出轨,你可以考察一下你的公公。 According to a new study cheating really does run in the family, at least as far as m...