• 我国成功实现100公里的量子直接通信

    22-04-15 我国科学家近日设计出一种相位量子态与时间戳量子态混合编码的量子直接通信新系统,成功实现100公里的量子直接通信。 Chinese scientists have realized the worlds longest quantum secure direct communication (QSDC), measuring 100 km, according to the Beijing...

  • 英国地理人文知识

    21-10-04 The English Channel: The Channel is a narrow sea passage which separates England and France and connects the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea. 英吉利海峡:英吉利海峡是一道狭长的海峡,分割英法两国,连接大西洋和北海。 The Dee estuary: A small sea ( in Iri...

  • 《卫报》2015年度十佳剧集

    16-01-02 1 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Netflix When have we been more in need of a joyous, candy-coloured, relentlessly perky, exclamation-mark-ridden, outrageously funny sitcom about an abduction survivor? 2 Wolf Hall - BBC2 Mark Rylance's Cromwell became o...

  • 研究发现打开细胞核通道的关键因素

    15-06-08 Cells have devised many structures for transporting molecular cargo across their protective borders, but the nuclear pore complex, with its flower-like, eight-fold symmetry, stands out. Monstrously large by cellular standards, as well as versatile,...

  • 8岁澳洲女孩发糕点制作视频 月入12.7万

    15-04-19 An eight-year-old girl from Australia is well on her way to building a successful business empire after it was revealed that her playful videos, featuring her easy-to-follow confectionery recipes, are bringing in around $127,000 a month in ad revenu...

  • 法国42岁无四肢男子成功横渡英吉利海峡

    10-09-25 在一次电击事故中失去四肢的法国42岁男子菲利普克鲁瓦松日前成功横渡英吉利海峡,用时仅13.5小时,比之前预想的24小时快了很多。 A French father-of-two who swam across the Channel 16 years after losing all his limbs in an electrical accident said Sunday tha...

  • 囊胞性纤维症新疗法或将问世

    10-09-19 The lab of Kevin Foskett, PhD, the Isaac Ott Professor of Physiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, has found a possible new target for fighting cystic fibrosis ( CF囊胞性纤维症 ) that could compensate for the lack of a functi...

  • China launches Arabic TV channel 中国中央电视台阿拉伯语频道

    09-07-25 China is launching an Arabic-language TV channel to show the Middle East and North Africa the real China. 中国正要开通阿拉伯语电视频道,向中东和北非国家展示一个真实的中国。 CCTV broadcasts from its landmark new building in Beijing China Central Tele...
