• 昆虫数量的减少与路灯有关

    21-09-29 昆虫数量近几十年来 令人担忧地 下降,科学家表示,光污染可能是其中一个因素。英国一项研究发现,人造路灯会扰乱夜蛾的行为,使毛虫数量减少一半。 Theres growing alarm over plunging insect populations with climate change, habitat destruction and pesticides...

  • 蜡螟能生物降解最难分解和最常使用的塑料:聚乙烯

    17-05-06 A caterpillar that munches on plastic bags could hold the key to tackling plastic pollution, scientists say. 科学家们称,一种吃塑料袋的毛虫或可成为解决塑料污染的关键。 Researchers at Cambridge University have discovered that the larvae of the moth,...

  • 昆虫咀嚼产生的颤动激发植物自卫反应

    14-07-02 Previous studies have suggested that plant growth can be influenced by sound and that plants respond to wind and touch. Now, researchers at the University of Missouri, in a collaboration that brings together audio and chemical analysis, have determi...

  • 毛毛虫的爬行机制与众不同

    10-07-23 Most of us have surely seen the slow and gravity- defying(蔑视,挑衅) crawl of a caterpillar(毛虫,履带车) , with that wave of motion that passes over their elongated(瘦长的,细长的) and flexible bodies. But it turns out that inside those craw...
