• 漫威发布《惊奇队长》预告片2

    18-12-06 The second trailer for the upcoming addition to Marvels Cinematic Universe, Captain Marvel, has been released. 漫威电影宇宙《惊奇队长》第二支预告片已经发布。 Brie Larson stars as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel in the 1990s-set stand-alone movie, and e...

  • 中国版萨利机长将被拍成电影

    18-08-10 A film called Chinese Captain, based on a true story of the Chinese pilots who safely landed a plane with a shattered cockpit windshield, will be produced by Bona Film Group, reports ynet.cn. 博纳营业将拍摄一部电影《中国机长》,该影片根据中国川航机...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记》精彩语句

    17-07-07 1. Captain, the Malay pirates have us cornered. 船长,马来西亚海盗把我们逼到了绝境。 2. Dead ahead, full sails! 直驶,满帆! 3. Captain! The ship will run aground. 船长,船会搁浅的。 4. Splice the mainbrace, lads! 痛饮一番,弟兄们。 5. Must you alwa...

  • 《愤怒的小鸟》登北美票房排行榜榜首

    16-05-25 The The Angry Birds Movie topped the North American box office over the weekend, pushing Captain America into second place. 上周末,电影《愤怒的小鸟》登上北美票房排行榜榜首,将《美国队长》挤到第二位。 The Angry Birds Movie is adapted from the popula...

  • 美队导演将打造中国超级英雄

    16-05-11 The sibling directors behind Captain America: Civil War are reportedly planning to produce a Chinese superhero franchise. 据报道,《美国队长:内战》的兄弟导演计划制作一部中国超级英雄电影。 The duo, Joe and Anthony Russo are said to have signed an ag...

  • 游艇常用词

    16-02-14 swimming trunks 游泳裤 deck 夹板 cocktail 鸡尾酒 sandals 拖鞋 life vest 救生衣 seagull 海鸥 deck chair 躺椅 bikini 比基尼 anchor 锚 life ring 救生圈 rope 绳子 captain 船长 life boat 救生艇 oar 浆 porthole 舷窗...

  • Robison Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 Chapter 18-THE SHIP RECOVERED

    16-01-06 WHILE we were thus preparing our designs, and had first, by main strength, heaved the boat upon the beach, so high that the tide would not float her off at high-water mark, and besides, had broke a hole in her bottom too big to be quickly stopped, a...

  • MH370机长起飞前无异常表现

    15-03-11 Capt. Zaharie Shah of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 showed no unusual signs of stress before the plane departed, an interim report on the investigation said. 马航MH370事故调查中期报告显示,该航班机长扎哈里在飞机起飞之前并无异常压力紧张表现。...

  • Kidnapped 诱拐 Chapter 2

    14-09-05 Chapter 2 Kidnapped When I woke up in darkness, my head was hurting badly, and I was unable to move my hands or feet. I could hear the sailors shouts and the sound of the wind and the waves. The whole world seemed to go up, up, up, and then down aga...

  • Story of the Three Calenders - 9

    14-07-23 A monkey! exclaimed the Sultan. Yes, sire, answered the officials. They were written by a monkey in our presence. Then bring me the monkey, he replied, as fast as you can. The Sultan's officials returned to the ship and showed the royal order to the...