• 阳光是如何使皮肤细胞癌变的?

    10-01-17 Most skin cancers are highly curable, but require surgery that can be painful and scarring结疤 . A new study by Loyola University Health System researchers could lead to alternative treatments that would shrink skin cancer tumors with drugs. The dru...

  • 女性上网晒文胸颜色 呼吁防范乳腺癌

    10-01-16 A new Facebook craze is sweeping the social networking site, where woman give details of their bra colour, to help raise awareness for breast cancer. 社交网站Facebook日前刮起一阵旋风,女性用户纷纷晒出自己文胸的颜色,以提高人们对乳腺癌的防治意识。 Wo...

  • 错误的食管癌细胞或影响研究结果

    10-01-15 Dozens of cancer studies may be thrown into doubt by the discovery that researchers inadvertently used the wrong type of cancer cells. 许多对于癌症的研究可能充满疑问,因为研究发现相关研究人员可能不经意间采用了错误的癌症细胞。 The samples of adenocar...

  • 西班牙绘制首张结肠癌病理图

    10-01-15 There are stark完全的,荒凉的 geographical contrasts in the incidence影响,发生率 of colon cancer结肠癌 worldwide. The new study analyses the causes of these disparities不等,不同 , starting with Spanish trends between 1951 and 2006 in terms of cert...

  • 老年痴呆症患者患癌症风险减少

    09-12-25 Alzheimer's disease is associated with a reduced risk of cancer and vice versa, a study suggests. 调查显示,患老年痴呆症的人患癌症的风险很小,反之亦然。 The number of dementia patients in the UK is predicted to double US researchers followed 3,020 p...

  • 科学家破解癌症“全部基因组”

    09-12-17 Scientists have unlocked the entire genetic code of two of the most common cancers - skin and lung - a move they say could revolutionise cancer care. 科学家成功破解最常见癌症之中的皮肤癌和肺癌的全部的基因组,他们称这将使癌症治疗革命性变化。 Not only...

  • 特殊分子直达肿瘤疗法有望问世

    09-12-01 Finding and treating a tumor without disturbing normal tissue presents challenges sometimes the most effective therapies can be invasive(侵入的,攻击性的) and harsh(粗糙的,严厉的). Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have devised a wa...

  • 斯克里普斯研究所发现对付血癌的新方法

    09-12-01 A study led by a Scripps Research Institute scientist describes a new, highly pragmatic approach(实际的方法) to the identification of molecules that prevent a specific type of immune cells from attacking their host. The findings add a powerful new...

  • 植入式癌疫苗在白鼠身上获得成效

    09-11-27 A cancer vaccine carried into the body on a carefully engineered, fingernail-sized implant(深植,嵌入) is the first to successfully eliminate tumors in mammals, scientists report this week in the journal Science Translational Medicine. The new app...

  • 霍奇金淋巴瘤新疗法或将问世

    09-11-23 Physician-scientists from Weill Cornell Medical College have discovered a molecular mechanism(分子机制) that may prove to be a powerful target for the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma(淋巴瘤), a type of cancer that affects lymphocytes(淋巴细...