• 国务院通报新冠疫苗接种情况

    21-04-12 国务院联防联控机制4月11日召开新闻发布会,介绍新冠疫情防控和疫苗接种有关情况。 China has accelerated COVID-19 vaccine rollouts among priority populations, as well as in key regions and cities, said the National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng, de...

  • 新肺结核疫苗抗病效果增强

    10-03-17 A booster shot(后续疫苗注射) appears to improve tuberculosis ( TB肺结核 ) resistance in previously vaccinated adults, according to new research in South Africa. The study has been published online ahead of print publication in the American Thoraci...

  • 美国进入HiN1感紧急状态

    09-10-25 US President Barack Obama has declared swine flu a national emergency. 美国总统奥巴马宣布美国进入猪流感全国紧急状态。 US officials say swine flu activity is widespread in 46 states The White House said the president signed the proclamation(宣言,公...

  • Antibodies 'may aid HIV jab hunt' 新抗体将有助于对付艾滋病病

    09-09-04 Two powerful new antibodies to HIV have been found which could aid development of a vaccine, researchers say. 研究人员称,两种强有力的艾滋病病毒抗体已经被发现,这将会促进疫苗的研究。 Developing an HIV vaccine has proved difficult Researchers, led by...

  • Pregnant women to get flu vaccine 孕妇将接受猪流感疫苗接种

    09-08-14 A swine flu vaccination campaign will be launched in the autumn, but only certain at risk groups, including pregnant women, will be given the jab. 猪流感疫苗接种活动将于今秋展开,但是只有包括怀孕妇女在内的特殊群体才可接受注射。 Those with underlying...

  • Swine flu vaccine for 'half US' “半数美国人”需要接种猪流感

    09-07-30 About half the US population should be vaccinated against the H1N1 virus with pregnant women and health workers the top priority, US officials have said. 美国官员称,大约一半美国人口都应该接种H1N1病毒疫苗,特别是孕妇和健康的工人。 The young, pregnan...
