• 德国超市销售虫肉汉堡

    18-04-29 Supermarket shoppers in the western German city of Aachen have stepped out of their comfort zone to sample insect burgers made from mealworms. 德国西部亚琛市的一家超市请顾客大胆试吃用黄粉虫制成的虫肉汉堡。 The mealworms, highly nutritious thanks to...

  • 英国问题汉堡中的马肉源自波兰廉价碎肉

    13-02-03 Horsemeat found in beef burgers manufactured for British supermarkets was imported from Poland, it emerged last night. 据昨晚报道称,英国超市专供牛肉汉堡中发现的马肉进口自波兰。 Tests have revealed that 'raw material' supplied to an Irish processing...

  • 英国近千万牛肉汉堡因掺马肉被召回

    13-01-20 Ten million beefburgers are being recalled in a British scandal over horse meat contamination, it emerged yesterday. 昨日有报道称,英国近日曝出的牛肉汉堡掺马肉丑闻事件,导致上千万牛肉汉堡被召回。 As revulsion(剧变,厌恶) over the issue grew, more...

  • 吃汉堡可增加患哮喘风险

    10-06-03 Children who eat a Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of developing asthma, but eating three or more burgers a week is linked to a higher risk, research suggests. 研究显示,具有地中海型饮食习惯的儿童患哮喘的几率降低,而一周吃三个或三个以上汉堡的儿...
