• 15句间接告白情话

    22-08-17 1. I hate you the least. 我最不讨厌你。 2. Youre the one I text when Im drunk. 你是那个我喝醉的时候唯一想传短信的人。 3. If youre a burger, Im a burger. 如果你是一个汉堡,那我也是汉堡。 4. Id totally shave my legs for you. 我愿意为你刮掉我的腿毛。 5...

  • 汉堡源自于中国的肉夹馍

    17-10-11 The worlds first hamburger doesnt come from where you think it comes from. It wasnt invented in the United States, and it didnt originate in Germany. No, the worlds first hamburger comes from China. 世界上第一只汉堡从哪来?不是你想的那样哦不是起源于...

  • 伦敦营养师研发“世界上最为健康的汉堡”

    16-08-13 With vegetarian and vegan diets rising in popularity, healthy alternatives to high fat treats arent hard to find. 随着素食者人群的扩大与素食食谱的风靡,人们想要找到可替代高脂肪食物的其他健康食品并不难。 But London-based nutritionist and chef, Libby...

  • 北京大董烤鸭汉堡店推出烤鸭堡

    16-04-05 Love roasted Peking duck? Weve got the burger for you. 爱吃北京烤鸭是吧?这款汉堡肯定合你心意。 While McDonalds and KFC continue to introduce Chinese-style burgers to appeal to local tastes, high-end Peking duck restaurant DaDong has opened is own f...

  • 肉夹馍 世界上第一只汉堡

    15-04-17 The world's first hamburger doesn't come from where you think it comes from. It wasn't invented in the United States, and it didn't originate in Germany. No, the world's first hamburger comes from China. 世界上第一只汉堡从哪来?不是你想的那样哦不是...

  • frankenfoods 创意混搭食品

    14-08-28 Frankenfoods are revolutionary culinary creations that mash up original and unexpected food combinations and ingredients, resulting in delicious dishes...or awful misses. 弗兰肯食品是用变革性方法烹调出的食品,食材和调味料的搭配让人意想不到,结果可能...

  • 纽约餐厅推出250美元汉堡

    14-03-16 纽约一家餐厅决定推出一款售价250美元的汉堡,这个味觉炸弹包括了神户牛肉,烟肉,鹅肝酱,白松露以及鱼子酱等各种高端食材。你还可以随意无限量地添加番茄酱和蛋黄酱。 Does the Hamburglar know about this? A Midtown restaurant will sell a $250 hamburger -- an...

  • 荷兰教授用干细胞制造牛肉

    13-08-02 荷兰马斯特里赫特大学教授马克波斯特研发出了世界上最贵的汉堡,该汉堡造价高达25万英镑(约合人民币236万元),汉堡中使用的牛肉并非来自牧场的牛群,而是从牛的干细胞中培育出来的。 The world's first test-tube burger will be served in London next week. It is ma...
