• 美剧中的经典“粗口”

    22-07-25 1. His outfit bugs me. 他的穿着让我看了不爽。 【精讲】bug 在这里作动词,表示烦到某人,很像中文里不爽,千万不要在正式场合使用。(可以用形容词disturbing,让人不快的)相似的还有一个词组叫piss sb off 意思接近,语气比bug更加粗鲁。 2. mess with sb. 耍某人...

  • 英国萨里郡发现害虫“臭屁虫”

    21-11-17 为辅助一项监测研究,专家在英格兰萨里郡捕捉了一只会危害庄稼、侵扰房屋的 臭屁虫。 Brown marmorated stink bugs are tiny dull shield-shaped insects which get their name from the strong odour they emit when threatened. Theyve become a nuisance in the US,...

  • 新应用程序统计被车撞扁的飞虫数量

    21-09-17 在出行后统计你车上被撞扁的虫子数量,也许能帮助科学家了解英国昆虫物种的数量。昆虫保护慈善机构 Buglife 推出了一款名为 Bugs Matter 的新应用程序,希望人们能用它来收集信息,帮助科学家了解特定物种在哪里繁衍生息或逐渐减少。 Insectagedden is how the global...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 5 下

    20-12-24 Why cant you? asked the pig. Im right here. 你为什么看不清我?小猪问。我就在这儿呀。 Yes, but Im near-sighted, replied Charlotte. Ive always been dreadfully near-sighted. Its good in some ways, not so good in others. Watch me wrap up this fly. 是的...

  • 臭虫已经具有对新烟碱的抵抗力

    16-01-29 A new study published in the Journal of Medical Entomology is the first to report that bed bugs have developed resistance to a class of insecticides known as neonicotinoids, or neonics, the shortened name. Neonics are the most widely used group of i...

  • 法国科学家发明收集床虱的新工具

    15-05-13 In recent years, bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) have been appearing more and more often in beds around the world, and entomologists need specimens for research purposes. Scientists in France have developed a tool that will aid this research, and their...

  • cockroach problem 蟑螂问题

    13-12-10 Cockroach problem is a problem that is bigger than it initially appears. 蟑螂问题指的是比原先看起来还要严重的问题。 You've got one little piece of bad news, and there is always more, just like those little bugs. 你先是收到一条坏新闻,然后坏新闻源源...

  • 筛豆龟蝽危及美国农业安全

    13-04-16 The invasive kudzu(野葛) bug has the potential to be a major agricultural pest, causing significant damage to economically important soybean crops. Conventional wisdom has held that the insect pests will be limited to areas in the southern United...

  • 现有商业超声波设备不能有效驱赶床虱

    12-12-11 Alternative means of controlling urban insect pests by using ultrasonic frequencies are available and marketed to the public. However, few of these devices have been demonstrated as being effective in repelling insect pests such as mosquitoes, cockr...

  • 椿象驱逐剂即将问世

    10-10-11 Help may be on the way for millions of people on the East Coast bugged out about the invasion of stink bugs(椿象) . Scientists have reported a key advance in efforts to develop the first commercial repellent(防护剂) for stinkbugs, which are emer...
